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About Me

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MySpace BackgroundsMY CREATVIE & "ALTERNATIVE" VIDEOS can be found here... am a dreamer. It..s something I really love to do... escaping from reality. Let myself be drifted away by lovely thoughts. I never felt completely comfortable with my life - and was dreaming of another, different life. And finally I tried to be brave and did something which opened my eyes. And suddenly, suddenly I saw the life I was searching for. It..s a long story and this journey told me a lot about myself. I am still dreaming. But now I know that I can change this dream into reality - not everything - but parts of it. It..s still a long way - but I will work on this. But I will never stop dreaming. I love secrets. It..s important to have some. But again, it..s a lovely thing to share them with a precious one. Like everyone else I am frightened by some elementary questions life has to give... like where will we go and what..s the sense of everything. So, I am sometimes converted into a serious thinker. But then, I can be very lively and perfectly happy. And most of the time I am something in the middle of those things. I feel most comfortable while being creative, no matter in which way... so, maybe it sounds strange that I am a scientist. But it..s an interesting constellation and it keeps my brain working.

My Interests

Life! Life is the biggest adventure and should be seen in a more relaxed way. Life is very precious and you are only here for this one time (probably...-I guess). So, my biggest interest is to live my dreams, try to see life not too seriously because this prevents you from doing risky things ... and I think life sometimes needs a thrill (I am not talking about swimming with sharks). I like changes, standing still is not what I am interested in. People are very interesting, I love to meet new people - get to know their way of thinking, listen to their stories, learn about other cultures etc. Travelling is one of my main interests! It´s so much more valuable than material things. Arts. I love to be creative (drawing, painting, short alternative videos (, sculpturing etc) and I enjoy to be surrounded by crative people. On some days I like to go to the theater or to classical concerts, on other days I just want to go out for dancing... and this can be to almost every type of music. Some books are really captivating, but I am not a bookworm. Sometimes I am interested in everything and nothing and can be obsessed of things like... black holes, forbidden egyptology, palmreading (just for fun). Science (neuroscience) is one of my main interests, especially how the brain works, and I really like doing experiments and to discover (hopefully) new and positive things. Psychology. Monkeys. Nature. Rainforests. Time travelling. Red wine. The universe. The OCEAN. smell after rain and after lightening a candle. (Learning to) play the piano. Australia! I want to move to Melbourne!!!

I'd like to meet:

All those tiny pretty elves living in the woods and fields... which play around with the flowers pollen by day and dance under twinkling stars at night time, trying to catch some star dust for letting wishes come true...


hooverphonic, orbital, gusgus, crustation, bright eyes, craig armstrong, cocorosie, fluke, junkie xl, air, moloko, chemical brothers, ackermann, chopin, k..s choise, vanessa paradis, tracy chapman, gotan project, gabriel rios, the jungle people, bloc party, coldplay, butch walker, rachael yamagata, the killers, dirty pink jeans, the dead sexy inc, the sparrows, the perfects, common code, lena deluxe, amelie, red riders, peter bjorn and john, shannon wright, monsieur rio, la position du tireur, coconut records, temposhark, sophie salomon, razorlight, the police, the strokes.


lost in translationmatch point, something´s gotta give, kill bill the dreamers about a boy, science of sleep Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind Garden State, A Knight's Tale, Closer, Spun Pretty Woman, Proof, The Jacket love song for bobby long love me if you dare


Haruki Murakami is my favourite author. Other books: The Astonishing Hypothesis, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Tell No One, Maybe Tomorrow, Lady Cottington..s pressed fairy book...

My Blog

mehr GEDANKEN...

Sind Deine Augen blind, so ist es schwer, den Weg zu erkennen. Es lösen sich Steine und führen Dich an unsichtbare Abgründe. Ist der blinde Weg aber vielleicht doch der einfachere? Dinge bleiben Dir ...
Posted by nina on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:54:00 PST


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Posted by nina on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:29:00 PST


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Posted by nina on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:03:00 PST

Ohne Musik ist das Leben ein Irrtum (Nietzsche)

Nietzsche soll gesagt haben, dass das Leben ohne Musik ein Irrtum wäre.     Dieser Satz springt mir jedes Mal von einem Plakat entgegen, wenn ich den Bochumer Hbf durchquere. Und immer wied...
Posted by nina on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:00:00 PST

Gedichte 2

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Posted by nina on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 02:03:00 PST

Gedichte 1

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Posted by nina on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:56:00 PST