Spending time with Liane and my friends when I'm at home. When I'm here at college, I enjoy playing clarinet, listening to music and playing video games.
adopt your own virtual pet!
People. Anyone who wants to hang out and just have fun.
Alien Ant Farm, Arrogant Worms, ATB, Beastie Boys, Beck, Breaking Benjamin, Cake, Darude, Disturbed, DJ Sammy, DJ Tiesto, Evanescence, Evergreen Terrace, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park, Metallica, Modest Mouse, Papa Roach, Paul Okenfold, Rage Against the Machine, Rush, Saliva, and Sevendust. I'm a fan of techno, trance and metal.
It's not the movie that's important, it's who you see it with. And I really don't have a favorite. I'll watch pretty much anything.
TV is ok, but living away from home with no tv, you realize how much better life is without it.
Blah blah, nobody cares. Check this stuff out instead
Mis forMischievous
Iis forIndustrious
Cis forCaustic
His forHorny
Ais forAmorous
Eis forEnthusiastic
Lis forLoving
What Does Your Name Mean?
Check out this very similar quiz
1st Name Mike
Aqe 18
smell The shampoo Liane uses
color Green
sonq Whatever is being played right now on my myspace
room iin the house Mine
posiition All of them
sport Skiing
candy Sweet Tarts
season Winter
word Boobies
day of the week Saturday
food Tacos
tiime of the day 22:22
place to relax Under a shady tree
aniimal My dog
qold/siilver Silver
t.v. show Futurama
moviie Dunno
clothez brand Union Bay
book or maqaziine Not really a fan of either
actor/actress Jason King
Have you ever..
been in love Am currently
been dumped No
tried to forqet a past memory Probably
skipped school Hell yes
gotten drunk Yes
smoked weed No
lied to someone close to you Yes
played truth or dare Indeed. Those were some fun times
slept naked Hehe, yeah
tripped yourself walkinq Yes
been out of the state Yes
dreamed that you were flyinq Indeed. It's pretty fun
planned out your future I try
cheated on your bf/gf No
qone to school drunk/hiqh No
hooked up wiith ur friiends boyfriiend No
hated someone you didn`t really know Kinda
made of fun of someone Yes
qone to a concert U2 baby
cheated on a test Yeah
been depressed Yep
wanted to kill yourself Yes
been skinny dippinq Oh yeah
had sex on a beach Just the drink
dyed your hair a neon color Kinda want to
made urself puke No
been on a cruse Short ones
been on a plane Yes
wished you were somewhere else iin the world Yes
ran away Yes, but for no more than a few hours
been arrested Not yet
qotten into a fiiqht Only minor ones
been made fun of Yes
talked shiit about someone Yeah
Do you..
like your liife Mostly
love/like somone Indeed. I love you Liane
dream about sexual stuff Quite often
like country music Hell no
have a lot of true friiends Yes
believe iin yourself Most of the time
think your attarctive When I shave
ever wish you were someone else Rarely
like school Not the class part
consider yourself a qood friiend Yes
put urself before your friiends It's about 50:50
miss anyone riqht now Very much
have any sisters or brothers One of each
Whats one thinq you want to do before you die Play strip poker
What do you see when you look iin the mirror Glass
Are you a loveable person Yes
Who is your best friiend in the whole world Nate
Do you want to qo to colleqe Already there
Do you qet alonq with you parents Sometimes
.. You scored as Water. Water is the element that predominates in your life. Water rules the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
John Fleno, Jason King and Mr. Peanut.
How to make a Mikey
5 parts greatness
10 parts gorgeousness
15 parts awesomeness
20 parts magnificence
25 parts omnipotence
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed diamonds. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com