"I can come across as a bit sarcastic; maybe a little mean. But dont let it all fool ya. I am the nicest person around."
I am a woman who dont like to be bottled up inside. I speak my mind at all cost. Sometimes I think I am a bit too straight forward that it scares people off. I do these things for a reason. "I KEEP IT REAL!" Eventually you will hear it one day, why not today...right?
With all due respect, I am the most positive person out there. Yes Ive had my ups and downs in life. Ive been on the edge of destruction a bunch of times but Ive come out of those ways a lot stronger and wiser. I thank god everyday that I get to experience the goods, the bads & the worst and still can speak so postively about it.
I love life. I love my family & I love who Ive become. A daughter to my father. A sister to my brother & a mother to my seeds. All those above is all that matters most to me and they are the reason I breathe each and everyday. My glass is 75% full and yet.. .I have a whole life ahead of me. ..