If only life were perfect! |
Wow, lately it feels like life sort of goes on around me, and I'm just watching it all pass me by. If only life were perfect, can you imagine, things would be great. I feel like I just wish the people... Posted by on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 01:16:00 GMT |
Mysuggestion would be to walk away from the 90% who don't and join the 10% who do.
When you know what you want,and you want it badly enough,you'll find a way to get it . Posted by on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 21:34:00 GMT |
To Joe |
I never told you how I love you
'Til the day that you weren't there
But I always hoped you felt it
Like a whisper in your ear
Soft kisses in the darkness
Long hugs you held so tight
&nbs... Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:29:00 GMT |
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, thats what they say. I suppose this is true, you know if torturing two souls who are in love counts as growing fonder. I would have to say I realized alot while h... Posted by on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 06:08:00 GMT |
Quote |
Garden State Quote
"You know that point in your life when you realize that the house you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? That IDEA of home is gone? Maybe that's all family really is...a gro... Posted by on Wed, 16 May 2007 03:16:00 GMT |
"Im sorry and I Love You" |
Sometimes we get so comfortable in life
That we forget how much we mean to eachother
We need to take some time out to say,
"Im sorry and I Love You"
Even when you dont feel you've done anything wrong
... Posted by on Thu, 03 May 2007 05:11:00 GMT |
When Life give's you lemons... |
When Life give's you lemons....
When life gives you lemons show em whos boss
Throw them in the blender, and make some
If thats not enough run them over with
ur car, put them in a wate... Posted by on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 03:25:00 GMT |
Remember Everything |
Remember Everything
by: Adrienne Carnero
There wasnt a thought in her mindBeside her a lavender butterflyLittle yellow flowersand a tear in her eyeBecause she knows the time will passThe moments of c... Posted by on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 04:07:00 GMT |