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About Me

Guitarist and bassist in some collaborations.

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My Interests

MUSIC,MUSIC,MUSIC !!!! This is my lung, life would be so boring without. Talk to my guitar, whose name's "Horny". I love her. Make music. Time. Huge basses, the physical aspect of sound. Life. Poetry. Cats. Watching stupid movies while eating junk food. Yoghourt icecream. Sushi. Spicy food in general. Good sex. Good wines and alcohols. Collect records. Travel. Discover the talented bands and artists I don't already know. Dreams and nightmares, shamanism, excentricity, prisons, open spaces, loneliness, alienation, paranoïa, guitar effects, vintage amps, control, driving blind, transcendence, renouncement.

I'd like to meet:

Des gens inspirés, drôles et pas chiants. Ca change.


ELECTRELANE : To the East.

Anato Ali (sitar), Akash (sarod), 1995. North indian classical music.


industrial, garage, blues, punk, techno, dub, nervous minimal, electro, electro-rock, psychobilly, rock'n'roll, rock, krautrock, batcave, indie, coldwave, new wave, jazz, soul, blablabla whatever the sticker : I like energy and intensity, no style in particular.
I've first discovered : sonic youth, the velvet underground, SPK, throbbing gristle, cabaret voltaire, the stooges, einstürzende neubauten, skinny puppy, nico, the germs, joy division, diamanda galas, david bowie, the meteors, the cramps...

THROBBING GRISTLE : Something Came Over Me.

... and this : virgin prunes, violent femmes, siouxsie and the banshees, kraftwerk, gun club, skip james, big mama thornton, bowery electric, terry riley, neu, can, amon düül II, nancy sinatra, billie holiday, roy orbison (sun years), malaria, slowdive, kas produkt, cocteau twins, dinah washington, birthday party, revolting cocks, the slits, dead kennedys, ADULT., chris & cosey, front 242, early new order, lydia lunch, screaming jay hawkins, norma loy, fad gadget, suicide, johnny cash, bessie smith, a split second, yello, the klinik, neon jugement, depeche mode, foetus, the kinks, the sonics, rozz williams, current 93, coil, mute, industrial rec., 4ad etc (all the good 80's labels !)...

NORMA LOY : Black Jesus/We Want (live Elysée Montmartre 1989)

... then techno ! : sleeparchive, adam beyer, blake baxter, johannes heil, josh wink, suburban knight, jeff mills, maurizio, green velvet, matthew dear, derrick may, sven väth, monolake, andrew weatherall, martinez, booka shade, trentemoller, minilogue, ellen allien, some of : underground resistance, ovum, sender, apnea, minus, dial, transmat, synewave, out of orbit, mobilee, rekorder, ghostly international, trapez, drumcode, kompakt, mule, dessous, confused, bpitch, re:connected, cray1 labworks, get physical, etc, etc, the sounds of the city, the sounds in nature, fatal error of couuurse (I forget so many...). My favourite guitarists are : Fenech, Dick Dale, Skip James, Nick Drake, Robert Smith, Thurston Moore and last but not least, Rowland S. Howard.



elephant man (and all david lynch films), mysterious skin, the doom generation (gregg araki), les enfants du paradis (carné), götterdämmerung (visconti), Orphée (cocteau), les 400 coups (truffaut), la passion de jeanne d'arc, vampyr, dies irae (dreyer), le dernier des hommes, nosferatu, l'aurore (murnau), le satyricon (fellini), le silence, persona, cris et chuchotements (bergman), the last of england (d. jarman), pink flamingo, female trouble (john waters),psycho beach party (r.l king), tokyo decadence (ryu murakami), tarnation (j. caouette) etc...


TV O.D...


Coinlocker Babies (Ryu Murakami), Hubert Selby Jr., Le Théâtre et son double (A. Artaud), L'Enfer (Dante), Crime et châtiment, Souvenirs de la maison des morts (Dostoïevski), The Tempest (Shakespeare), Chrétien de Troyes, La Religieuse (Diderot), Sade, Rousseau, Gide , Genet, Cocteau... I've studied litterature and I like a lot of writters but it's not the most important thing for me. I find music has more impact than words.


Catwoman, Batman.