HigHToWeR profile picture


Not every girl will bring you Mr. You and hot sauce.... Most are bitches and will just cheat on you

About Me

You were my best friend in the world Louie, I will never forget you, knowing that you're gone hurts, but knowing you're watching over us helps. I think about you and miss you every day, R.I.P. Bro

I love my girl Nicole, I'm white, I'm an American, and I'm very proud to be both, and NO that doesn’t make me a raciest. The only sport I love is Basketball, Both Football and Hockey are great but they can't compare, The only sport I hate more than Soccer is Baseball...I really effing hate baseball, I Love oatmeal cookies and buffalo wings. I love beer. I miss my best friend (he's up in Heaven). I've been a Spurs fan and a 49ers fan sense I was a little kid. I really love watching TV, Going to Spur games and playing guitar hero.


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My Interests

Hangin' with my boo

I never thought I could be so happy and so lucky, I've met the girl of my dreams and I can't wait for July 20th, 2008 so I can marry her, Nicole is the most beautiful, sweetest, wonderful girl I've ever met and I'm so lucky to have her in my life, there isn't a thing in the world I wouldn't do for that girl.

Pacific Beach, Hangin' with my Beautiful girl, Mountan biking, Offroading, Beer Pong, The Beach, Going to Vegas.... Going to the River, Casino's are always good, Running, The Movies, Hollywood, Paintball, Basketball, Trash Hawks, Watching TV, Going to PB(Greatest Beach in So.Cal.), I'm a former member of the Forbidden Fantasy Car/Truck club FFF

I'd like to meet:


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"The Office" Thursday nights 8:30pm on NBC

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Louie R. Flores may you Rest In Peace 11/19/1980 - 4/14/07

Joe Montana Tribute
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My Blog

Lent 2008

I'm not Catholic nor have I ever been, so I've never given anything up for Lent before. April 14th last year my best friend lost his life and returned to our father in Heaven, over the last year/year ...
Posted by HigHToWeR on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:24:00 PST

My First Tattoo

I have tattoo's all over, all over my arms, chest, back, legs, everywhere. I got my first tatoo when I was 18, but Thursday night May 17th, I got my very first tattoo that really means something ...
Posted by HigHToWeR on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 05:30:00 PST

Good bye Louie

It's funny how we all bitch, whine and complain every day about the dumbest shit, we get mad or upset because we don't have the nicest, newest car, or phone or tv or whatever, we got pissed off at our...
Posted by HigHToWeR on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 06:47:00 PST

Worlds Shortest Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?"     The girl said "No."     And the guy lived happily ever after and went Golfing, Fishing, Hunting, Surfing, C...
Posted by HigHToWeR on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 08:34:00 PST