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About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / LOve sick

… everything has a beginning …

Being a soloist but also the singer, guitarist and songwriter of two bands which play MetalCore and Rock music I try to express my deep feelings and emotions which are inside of everyone: Joy, love, passion, pain, sorrow and the world’s injustice.Music is everything for me. I will always desire for my own and my bands’ music and would give anything for it.
Music is the reflection of my soul affiliated with the desire to touch people’s heart and to move them in any way.
It is not my intention to become a “Rock Star” but it is a dream of mine that one day my vocation will become my occupation.
Maybe I’m one of those “hopeless” idealists … but I think I’m realistic enough to never forget the past, consider the present and believe in what may lie ahead.
Never forget who you really are, - whoever you are.
Life has given me so many experiences; I would never want to live without them, - even if the worst pain should catch me up sometimes, it will show me that I’m still alive.
Love what you want to love. Live how you want to live. Dream whatever you want to dream. Maybe one day you will love and live your dreams …

My Interests


Member Since: 3/19/2007
Band Members: Dominik Rühaak (DIVA)

My Blog

Gedanken, Gefühle und Einsamkeit...

Zuviel,& zu vieles bricht mein Selbst in zwei. Ich spüre keinen Halt mehr. Ich klammer mich fest an das ich hab. Gefühle, ein paar Träume, die Musik& die fast alleinig das zu sein scheint, was mich wi...
Posted by DIVA on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 07:33:00 PST