This was written by a good friend of mine Daniel Braaf:READ OR DIE! I miss the old days!i miss when sociaty hated me for looking like i did, for thinkingwhat i thought, and for living the way i did! i loved it when people asked me what kind of music do you listen to and when i told them hardcore, and their first reaction was"weird, you dont look like techno" I enjoyed the days when the rest of the kids at school thought i was part of a fanatic religious group because i lived poisonfree and didnt eat meat. -I miss getting beat up by nazis and other gangs for wearing skateshoes. -i miss the days when punk rock music was dangerous. -i miss hanging with my crew, walking trough the cirty and cute girls changing to the other side of the street avoiding every chance of eyecontact. -i miss bands crashing at my place, no fivestarr airconditioned rommservice available with 50 euros gasmoney. what happened? when did we let it slide? why didnt we hold on to it harder?well money makes the world go round. But i got a message for all you sheep, the day will come and the trend goes on, every hype and trend works like this, the day when HC isnt cool anymore, the day all of you people will move on to run after the next trend cause we all know, if you are not trendy you wont get laid. two more sentences from the bottom of my heart, everyone walking out that door because the next fashion awaits you on the other side, ill be waiting right next to that door with the biggest smile that has ever been smiled, and the cherry on top: each and everyone of you bastards better not forget to bring some babypowder cause my boot will land in at least every 5th one of you peoples butholes
KOVALEV AND WARRIOR HOCKEY RULES mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="260" width="410"