Design, Mid-century home furnishings, Art, Independent film making, vector images, bitmaps, art direction, building and exploring identity politics, searching for good authentic belly lox, real estate, making an easy buck, outdoor swimming pools (100m), tinkering and geeking out, sniffing blender pens and getting ink under my fingernails, swim suits and vintage swim caps, sample sales, exploring cities, matching wits
People with strong identity politics. Old Souls. Right/Left brain hybrids. People who are committed to a craft for the right reasons.
Anything in the Indie rock canon, playing NY Times podcasts while listening to Mogwai or GSYBE, WNYC, KCRW (sans the music becomes pathetic show). Versus, Whysall Lane and other spin-off bands of Richard's, Ladytron, The Arcade Fire, LCD Sound System, Randy S Yau random noise band, Ee, Seam, My Bloody Valentine, Joy division, The Swells, Pavement, Bell and Sebastian, Blonde Redhead, The New Year, Neutral Milk Hotel, Velvet Underground, The Knife, I am Spoonbender
Better Luck Tomorrow, Finishing the Game,, Chungking Express and other films by Wong Kar Wai, Nadia, Match Point, Raging Bull, Back to the Future, Donnie Darko...too many to name.
Lost, Heroes, Design to Sell. Hi-def PLANET EARTH. I've watched all episodes of Arrested Development and Sex in the City.
Catcher in the Rye, Tristan Shandy, Hemingway (The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea, To Have and Have Not), Various works by Steven Heller, Adbusters, ID magazine, New Yorker, New York Times, David Sedaris. I'm currently inspired by "An Eames Primer."