Cyndi Throwdown [BDkr3w] [5.4k] profile picture

Cyndi Throwdown [BDkr3w] [5.4k]

I am here for Friends

About Me

Next Event: Stick To Your Guns at Soma, San Diego on May 23rd
WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? they call me cyndi throwdown. i live in southern california, SAN DIEGO to be specific. i've got good morals and a great head on my sholder. i'm STRAIGHT EDGE , which means i don't need your poison to enjoy my life. i believe in STAY POSI , i don't need to fight to prove myself. violence is overrated. i BELIEVE in christ and god, i will never give up on my faith. i consider myself BR00TAL because i'm not afraid to tear it up at shows. been like that all my life. my BESTIES are more amazing than you could ever hope on being.
WHAT GETS YOU HOT? music to be quite honest. i love BREAKDOWNS because it lets me show the boys that i can be just as intense as they are. when the DOUBLE BASS can spead up my heart beat, there's nothing better in the world. SWEEPING GUITAR RIFFS are pretty much the coolest sounding thing on the planet, no lie. i love it when HEAVY BASS LINES shake the ground that i'm standing on, it's an amazing feeling. GROWLS, SCREAMS, AND BREES are the best way that the lyrics can be said. and the lyrics are even better when the PILE UP comes because i'm always climbing on top.

My Interests


- She's nice and actually talks to her friends
- She does w4w, pc4pc, and many other things
- She always replies to comments and messages

- You're a jocker
- You were dropped on the head as a child
- You don't like myspace whores

Also apply for her train Saturday Night Massacre
- No limit
- No proof
- Comment me asking

Trains Saturday Night Massacre
Model Scene
Vanity Dolls Elite

I'd like to meet:

AIDEN SCENE. that's my BOIFRAN , and he's also the boy i'm going to spend the rest of my life with. and unlike most kids on this site, i actually know that is going to come TRUE . he flew from missouri to california just to be with me. he left everything he had ever known because we're in LOVE , and nothing in the world is ever going to change that. he is the most AMAZING boy i've ever met in my life and i am so glad to be with him. i feel like the luckiest girl alive, just because i'm with him. he makes me HAPPIER than words could ever comprehend. i could never imagine my life without him. i would scream "i love him" until my lungs gave out and my voice went mute, and even then no one would understand how much i love him. he's PERFECT , i wouldn't change a thing about him. and i know he's going to be my last kiss.

Cyndi Throwdown&&Aiden Scene
1/21/08 - 'Till My Last Breath


My Blog

Find Me Here...

Upcoming Shows: May 23rd, SomaAs Blood Runs Black, Stick To Your Guns, Winds of Plague, Belay My Last May 30th, Mirror Image [Anaheim]CLS plus guests [CLS merch girl] June 6th, SomaElysia, See You Nex...
Posted by Cyndi Throwdown [BDkr3w] [5.4k] on Wed, 07 May 2008 12:08:00 PST

Daily Confessions, 2008

Confession January 1stI pretend that I like people when I'm with them, that way it doesn't start a fight. It's all part of staying posi, love your enemies. Confession January 2ndSometimes, I tear myse...
Posted by Cyndi Throwdown [BDkr3w] [5.4k] on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:48:00 PST

Q&&A Video.

So here are the videos answering the questions you guys asked. If there are any other guestions, feel free to ask them. I'll be making more videos as more questions are asked. Click here to watch vide...
Posted by Cyndi Throwdown [BDkr3w] [5.4k] on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 12:22:00 PST

Go Buy Me This!

All these can be bought Right hurr All these can be bought Right hurr All these can be bought Right hurr All these can be bought Right hurr All these can be bought Right Hurr All th...
Posted by Cyndi Throwdown [BDkr3w] [5.4k] on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 03:36:00 PST

Goals Of 2008

KEYThis means pending goalThis means accomplished goalThis means failed goal 1. One month with Aiden2. Two months with Aiden3. Three months with Aiden4. Four months with Aiden5. Five months with Aiden...
Posted by Cyndi Throwdown [BDkr3w] [5.4k] on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 08:43:00 PST

OMG! I Love These Kids!

Yeah, these are my besties. The ones that mean the most to me. The one's I'd stand with to the very end. Through thick and thin. And I love them all like a fat kid loves cake.Fersher. Also, don't get ...
Posted by Cyndi Throwdown [BDkr3w] [5.4k] on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 04:35:00 PST