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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

aM a sImPlE GiRl, fUn tO bE wItH, I lIKe tO hAvE fUn.I dOnTt LiKe CrOwDeD PeOpLe,i lIkE tO gO oUt, nOt aLl tHe tImE, bUt eNoUgH tO hAvE fUn. sOmEtImEs I sIt aRouNd wItH mY fRieNds, bIg bRoTheRs aNd wAtChiNg mOvIeS WiTh mY BaBiES. I nEVEr gEt tO aS MucH I wOuLD LiKe to hOwEvEr.... aNd i dOn't LiKe LIARS, i hAVe qUiTe mEt fEw aRoUnD hErE. im aDdIcTed tO eAtIn cHoLaTeS aNd cAKeS. oNe oF mY fAVorItE tHinG tO dO iS sleep....*YaWn*. aT fIrSt, yOU cAn sAy tHaT iM oNe oF tHosE PeOpLe yOu cAn't GeT cLoSe too. sOmEoNe tOlD mE tHaT oNce, iM Startin tO tHiNk tHat's tRuE.

My Interests

sUrFin tHe nEt fOr sOmE pUrPoSeS oNly,ChAtTiNg tO My SWeEtIE, sLeepInG, eAtInG cHoColAteS, tAlkIng fRiENDs sOmeTiMes iF i rEaLlY wAnT tOo.

I'd like to meet:

tHe pEoPlE wHo aRe tRuStWorThY, hAvE a gOd fEariNg, hUmBlE, aNd cOoL pEoPlE. nOt tHoSe pEoPle tAlkS aBoUt sHit... wHy doN't yOu SeNd mE a mESsAGe bEFoRe yoU wAnT mE to FriEnD? I aLSo dOnT wAnT tO kNow yOu iF yoUr"e sOmE gRoUpIe sLuT oR tRyInG tO bE wAnnABe :P aNd yOuRe jUsT hErE tO bUg tHe pEace oUt mE. i dOn'T cArE wHo yOu sTaLk oR wAnt to.********************************************************* Today, there is no amount of chaos that I can't tame, no mystery that I can't solve, and no problem I can't fix. *********************************************************


Cant Take that Away, Tonight, I give in, Through the Rain


I Am Sam... The Prince and Me... Snake on The Plane...A walk to remember
