Greetings to you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank so much for coming by to learn a little more about me. But as you look to me, I will point to Christ. He is the author and finisher of my faith. It's my honor and priveledge to tell you about someone who can change your life forever.Are you tired of life as is? Are you ready for life and life more abundantly? I'm not offering a scheme or a business deal to you... I am offering you the best gift you will ever receive. I'm offering you His unconditional love, eternal life through Him, and an abundant life while you are here on earth. Are you ready to meet Him? His name is Jesus! You can know Him today. You can be saved today. You can be set free fom all that entangles you TODAY! What are you waiting on? I'll walk you right up to Him when you read my first blog. Hurry up. He has work for you to do, but you have to get on His team first. Chop...Chop!
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