Tech Squire is 1st Foul of 101 Foul Nations.. Born in cumberland hospital
in the middle of Fort Green projects(BROOKLYN) fused with the most powerful
creative minds to bring true hip hop World Wide.Mathematics is the key to understanding humankind’s relationship to the universe. Living out the culture of Supreme Mathematics is their natural way of life. Education should be fashioned to enable people to be self-sufficient as a whole. Each individual should teach another individual according to one’s knowledge. The Asiatic Blackman [sic] is God, the Supreme Being. Children are the link to the future and they must be nurtured, respected, loved, protected, and educated.101 FOUL NATIONS 101 FOUL NATIONS 101 FOUL NATIONS 101 THE MACHINECONTACT: JULIO RIVERA @ 800-101-1717 TO SET UP SHOW DATES PROMOTIONS PHOTO AND VIDEO FOR 101 FOUL NATION MEMBERS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE TO PERFORM TOGETHER UNLESS WE HAVE 30 DAYS NOTICE PLEASE NOTE: WE HAVE MEMBERS FROM CANADA, AMSTERDAM NETHRLANDS, SWITZERLAND,FRANCE, NYC, WE ALWAYS WANT TO FORM AS A HOLE AND GIVE YOU THE BEST SHOWS EVER.
[email protected]