Shooting Pool cracking jokes being a great big sis to Jennie Lee Gloria Anna and even my Rebecca Lin and an awesome aunt to Gage Steph Greg and Ethan. Playing softball laughing with friends and smiling when my eyes wanna cry. Spending quality time with my man because he is the most awesome man to ever cross my path.
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Well to be honest I have met a many a great soul but a couple I would be proud to be able to sit and have coffee or tea with would be Anne Rice, Maya Angelou, Walt Whitman (yes I know he is dead), Amy Brown, Davy Havoc of AFI just to make my boyfriend jealous, and if I could have tea with some angels they'd be my best friend Jenn who Rocks might I add and my gramma and my pepop... but hey there are coutless others as well.
Punk Rock Local Music Hard Rock Classic Rock Did I mention that I like Rock but I like some country. As for artists they'd begin with Alabama and go all the way to Matchbox 20 and back to AFI to Reba McEntire. Music isn't just a genre it's a statement of character.
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Comic book character inspired movies. Punisher the Xmen Spawn Electra Spidey Daredevil etc. Am also enthralled by the M Night Shyamalan movies. Oh yeah and Anne Rice's books to movie rock as well. Plus Van Helsing, Underworld, The Covenant
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CSI Vegas Crossing Jordan Without A Trace
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Sidney Sheldon, Stephen King, Nora Roberts, Danielle Steele, Anne & Christoher Rice, you name it. If it has a spine, a pulse, beating climax, and can hold my interest, I am all about it.
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Recently there was a major travesty done to a dear friend. His life was robbed from him by theiving criminals whom I hope rot in hell and have to feel the wrath of guilt for the pain which they have caused. Phil Airey was a phenomenal man who regardless of what anyone thought would not hurt a soul unless they had hurt him... He would gladly take the shirt off of his back if someone was in need and would defend even the most heinous at times. People may say of what do I know about Phil. Well Iknow he loved his family, his life, his friends, and his beer. He was a great friend that will never be forgotten whos light will shine on in all who remember him for the phenomenal man that he is was and will forever be. I won't forget sitting up talking with him about the one he let slip away or the fact that he never knew what was coming tomorrow but was will to face it head on. For that he will always be a hero to me. Phil would go without to make sure someone that he cared for was taken care of. I wish there were more Phil Airey's in the world hell at this moment I wish we could all have the one that was taken from us. But one thinghe would not want is for us to all cry for him for tears had no place with him. He was funloving caring and compassionate. And for that I will always remember my friend and hero Phil Airey.
My other hero is my nephew. Crazy huh how a 7 year old boy can inspire a 27 yr old woman. I have seen my share of heart ache in this world but that little boy has lived breathed died and been saved from it all. He is my entire existence. At the age of 18 months he died in my mothers arms only to be saved by the fireman as he says it now. Smart as a whip and full of love he keeps me on my toes and is the greatest blessing that could have came when he did. Then there is my niece she is the total tomboy and I love it. Now I also have 2 more nephews that make my eyes sparkle and tear just like their older siblings. It is amazing how the words I love you from the mouth of a child are like Heaven's Breath. If your down it picks you up, if you think you are alon you then know that you are not, and is your mad you can't help but melt the anger away revealing your inner most happiness.
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