lannahhh profile picture


magnet, bitches

About Me

I'm disléxico.
Caitlin is my only friend.
I like her cause she has 'daun sin-drohm.

Disco Infiltrator
people are dumb.
i'm a people.
so theres no denying that i'm dumb too.
i like being the centre of attention.
i HAVE to be paid attention to.
i dont see myself as pretty.
i dont see myself as nice.
i dont see myself as being one of "the cool kids"
i prefer to be the "kid with the cold."
i'm not shy.
i'm not quiet.
i'll probably yell at you for no reason at all.
and then say sorry and walk away.
i dont care if people bitch about me.
i really dont.
it's probably my fault you're bitching.
i probably wont listen to you.
i wont do what you tell me.
i tell lame jokes.
i decide to be picky when it suits me.
i'm hella blonde.
it's natural.
and fun.
cutting and pasting turns me on.
so does sophies "about me".
which should be called "about lana because i love her so much".
i say really really really really dumb/blonde things.
people just laugh.
tic tacs make my mouth burn.
so would fire if i tried to eat it.
i have a fish shaped tan on my belly button.
thanks to my belly ring
which i now despise.
almost as much as i despise caitlin manning.
what a fucking bitch.
although.. she does walk me to school every morning.
..pen15 still makes me laugh.
i enjoy wearing childrens clothing.
newly bought of course.
the smallest i own is size 6.
it's the best shirt in the world.
much cooler than any shirt you could buy from your stupid little city beach.
i wash my hair with sunsilk.
the sun isnt silky.
i would say that therefore my hair isnt silky.. but thats a lie.
compliments are fun
i secretly love it when people call me cute.
*cough* sophie. *cough*
i have a thing for rasberry fanta.
some may call it love.
i hate being nervous.
i'm actually really shallow..
no doubt about it.
the word jamiroquai always gives me enjoyment.
just try it. go on. say it out loud.
it'll probably turn you on too.
...i wish i had boobs like sophie.
and that i was as rich as richie rich.
i enjoy invading other peoples privacy.
i've learnt music since i was about 5, and i still dont remember the c major scale.
do you understand how pathetic that is?
because it's very.
i get my bitchiness from my father.
i have the coolest friends ever. they're probably the only people in the world that will put up with my family.
they even come bowling with us.
my friends dont care about stupid little stuff.
they dont get embarrassed if they fart, if they fall over, or if they've been taped falling over.
*cough* sophie *cough*
over 2000 hits and still counting.
i love my friends.


My Interests

story of the day:
today, i pretended to study.
no one believed me.

I'd like to meet:

my jeans are labelled "Alec Ingleton".


story of the yesterday:
today, sophie came over. she woke me up. and then. we watched borat. and then, we did other stuff. and then.. more other stuff, and then watched john tucker must die. and then kabullshit came over and joined us. ammusing. and then sophie left. i was sad. so end of day.


story of the week:
i came back from china.
caitlin and i sniffed sour skittle powder.
it fucking burns.