de~jA)uneek! profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

..uNDer grOund miX taPe D.j dOinG iT iN fUll aFFeCT fROm LOs AngLes" tO sAN fRaN".. target="_blank"..

My Interests

My INtEREsTs iS gOing rEcOred diGGiNG, mAkeiNG BeAts, sPiNNiNG tHAt reaL undERGROUND hIP hOP, sKAte bORDiNG iN tHe CITY" [sAn fRaN]AND NOW YOU KNOW*

I'd like to meet:

this is the offical turntabelist underground myspace music.. aDDETEK & UNEEK to UR friends!! MySpace URL: buy all tha exclusive turntableist mixtapes (((((((H O T .. S H I T)))))))


aS yOU pRobally fiGuRed oUt' I bE oNly liSten tO tHat reAL uNDERGROUD hIP hOP anD jAZZ, LIkE~ StONEStHROW MF DOOM, MADLIB, QuAZ, DialateD pEOPLE'S, LittLE bROtHeR, mILES DAVis, sLUm viLLIge, Time MAchiNE, PeOPLE unDER thE stAiRs, aNd muCH mORE yA nA"