I'd like to meet:
*i like to meet sumone who is understanding *cute and a music lover... *anyone in hir.... *i'd like to be ur friend...
*iM definitely a mUsic afficionado! *pOp *rOck *rythms and bLues * an EvEn nOise!
*Notting Hill *maid in manhattan *2fast2furious *the grudge 1&2 *50 first dates *stuart little2 *the day after tomorrow *jersey girl *lilo and stitch *monsters inc. *all about the benjamins *final destination *charlie's angels *bandits *the core *how to deal *the cell *spiderman2 *mEan girls *cinderella story *puLse *2 haha! *chOcolate factory
*i love wAtching TV a Lot *MTV addict *my myx tOo.. *sPongebOb *powErpuff girLz *bAtmAn *dAwson's cReek *sEventh heaven *CSI ^_^ *wiThout a trace *friEnds *a lot moRE!
*iM not dat addicted in rEading bOoks but if i have time.. i rEally lOved to.. *iM into mAh bOoks in scHoOL usuaLLy if i have eXaMz on it i'LL suRelly read that onE.. *haha!
*mAh oNe and onLy hEro...
*mAh mOm
*mAh Dad..
*mAh famiLy
*mAh fRends....... classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/
flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0" WIDTH=65 HEIGHT=20
Constantly - By: Nina
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