Hey, I have some stuff that I made with my hands -
"Welcome Home, Stranger! Traveler!" full-length CD-R I wrote most of this when I Was 18 and 19. I am 21 now, so needless to say I hate it. Gone forever. Felt Cat Records 02
Split CD-R with Killglare Riley (Iowa City) and Tinker Toys (CO Springs) Sold out dood. Felt Cat Records 03
"Conversations With Kenneth" split with snma, this is a good'n if you enjoy spoken word, especially old folks saying rad things. Look for it on ebay? Felt Cat Records 04
Fall Tour '07 "Sings a Little" EP/acoustic demos CD-R All gone. Felt Cat Records 06
"Solemn Songs for Silly People" full-length CD-R Opens with me singing and banging on a pot, closes on me plucking some chords on my dad's old ukulele. Sold out as well. Felt Cat Records 09
"Iowa Public Radio" 3"CD-R New disc for the fall tour with BOAR and Aural Resusitation Unit, three tracks instrumentally documenting this state that I for some reason love. All gone!Felt Cat Records 12
"untitled cassette" It is a cassette. Who knew? This is a session at Magdalena's Tea House in Lansing MI while I was on toar with BOAR and Aural Resusitation Unit. We all played on it. Two 13 minute jamz with wacky sexy jazzy sax and perc over awesome noises. A few copies left! Felt Cat Records 13
"LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT" CD-R (Felt Cat 26) / C46 (Darbolistic Rex) Noisey droney rocky jazzy. All over the place on this one! The least awful record yet
Split C33 with YANA We recorded simultaneously AND DIN'T EVEN KNOW IT. It was meant to be. More pretty drones and loops and shit from me. Darbolistic Rex
Free musics! If you want any of these, send me a message (505 Iowa Ave 4, Iowa City, IA 52240) and I'll cover the costs of shipping. Feel free to write a letter to me , you can talk about anything or ask anything or send me something you made, I don't really care, just communicate! And let me know what you want! I hope you enjoy.
CD TRADES ARE ALWAYS AWESOME YO. I used to live in a house in which I used as a venue and place for touring bands to crash, but then shit happened. I like making art. I dislike being called an artist. Go figure.
Being a philosophical anarcho punk dude, I have a difficult time seeing punk, like indie, mainstream, experimental, noise, or pop for examples, as a musical genre; rather, I experiance it best as a philosophical idea, or a series of ideas to live your life by. Needless to say this music doesn't sound yelly or angry or defiant, but I'd like to think that it is. I write mostly instrumental songs, with some occasional "found sound" elements, that are about individualistic social awareness and seeking justice instead of revenge and feeling like a wide-eyed little child one moment and a decrepit old man the next, things of that nature.