Sinister Warlocks profile picture

Sinister Warlocks

About Me

-..................LIVE Psytrance Act from Ontario, Canada.......................-The Sinister Warlocks strive to make complex music, psychedelic in nature and theatrical in its story telling. Though they produce many styles of music PsyTrance and Goa Trance are their true love. In the dangerous age of mundaity and unoriginality they try to inject personality and innovation into their tracks and live sets and performances. As a live act they bring a stunning improv performance oozing hard edged beats, twisted live synth action, live evolving atmosphereic architechture and a dancefloor killing style. They are develping new sounds constantly, never playing the same set twice, ever. Having played live alongside such great acts as Hujaboy, Ghreg on Earth, Kode Six, Clone, Ocelot, and many more, the Warlocks are at the centre of a new wave of North American talent and psychedelic parties. As they try and find their way in the trance community the Sinister Warlocks are eager to bring their sound to the world!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/18/2007
Band Members: Jordan- estoteric tribal rythm master...................................................... .... Rob- distorter of all things real and unreal..................................................
Influences: Skinny Puppy/Download/Cevin Key, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Velvet Acid Christ, Juno Reactor, The Prodigy, Portishead, Boards of Canada, Steve Roach, Autechre, Wizzy Noise, Transwave/Deedrah/Absolum, Parasense/Zolod/Dejan, Dino Psaras, Deviant Species/Scorb,Pliedians, Para Halu, Kindzadza, Electrypnose, Space Tribe, Prana, Lemurians, Shakta, Hallucinogen/Shpongle, GMS, Sandman, CPC, Bliss, Save the Robot/Quadra/Alien Project, Space Cat, Psycraft, Psysex, Digital Talk/Droidsect, Droidlock, The Delta/X-Dream/Midimiliz, Orion, Xerox/Freeman/Illumination, Ticon, Haldolium, Xenomorph, ALL SAN FRAN PSYTRANCE, ALL RUSSIAN PSYTRANCE, Bluetech, Shulman, Side Liner, Saafi Bros, Youth, Raja Ram, Goa Gil, Entheogenic, Huxflux, Logic Bomb, Mr. Peculiar, GHREG ON EARTH.
Sounds Like: Manmademan, Transwave, Ghreg on Earth, Electrypnose, Shakta
Record Label: Unsigned

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