pam profile picture


life's a bowl of cherries

About Me

I like people, but sometimes I want to be alone. I talk a lot, but sometimes I am very quiet. I enjoy going on adventures, but sometimes I enjoy having a quiet evening at home. I like the rain, but I also like the sunshine. I can be affectionate, but I am also aloof. I am very giving, but I can also be very selfish. I am a slob, but sometimes I am neat. I have a lot of energy, but sometimes I am lazy. I can tolerate boredom, but sometimes boredom makes me crazy. I am a good person, but sometimes my evil twin makes me do bad things. The choices I make define who I am. Therefore I am everything and I am nothing.

My Interests

Interests are varied and ever changing. Ask me tomorrow and they will be different (except for the last five). Today I am interested in animal rights, remodeling my bathroom, healing my body, my son, my husband, my friends, my cats.

I'd like to meet:

Good listeners.


Cats purring, rain on a tin roof, the wind in the trees, the ocean, my son when he is happy, laughter, my heart beat, silence.... Bands I like: Flaming Lips, Neil Young, John Fahey, Velvet Underground, Nick Drake, Low, Mohave 3, Tabla Beat Science, Mice Parade, Sparklehorse, Thievery Corporation, Brian Wilson, Mogwai, Built to Spill, The Raveonettes, Granddaddy, Sigur Ros, D Street, Spiritualized, Beatles, Cat Power, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Bob Dylan, Donovan ......


I don't have time to watch many movies. When I do, I enjoy most of the movies on Mat's shelves (except for the violent ones). I love science fiction, anime, indie films....


I don't watch much television. I'm always telling my son that tv will rot his brain so I have to set a good example. If I do indulge some of my favorite shows are Six Feet Under, Sopranos, and Carnivale. I've recently been addicted to watching Lost while exercising. It's great motivation.


I spend a lot of my free time reading. I love Margaret Atwood, Barbara Kingsolver, Marge Piercy, Isabel Allende... hmmm, mostly women. I mostly like a good story that is intelligently written. I'm sad that Harry Potter is over. I have a secret love for young adult fiction. I guess it's not so secret anymore.


My mom, my friends, people who stand up for what they believe, people who have the guts to do what they love.

My Blog

Thanksgiving myths

As we all sit down to Thanksgiving dinner today we should reflect upon what Thanksgiving is really all about. Give thanks for all you have, but re...
Posted by pam on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 07:30:00 PST

A lesson about keeping your mouth shut

Another example of the police state our country has become: s18_3sep18,0,7323081.story?coll=orl_tab01_layout This guy may have b...
Posted by pam on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:41:00 PST

Sex, Lies, and Stereotypes

I loved this article in the NY Times: "The Myth, the Math, the Sex" EVERYONE knows men are promiscuous by nature. It's part of the genetic strategy that evolved to help men spread their genes far and ...
Posted by pam on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 06:05:00 PST

Our new baby

Since I keep bringing home animals that are either old or sick I haven't had the pleasure of having a new kitten in awhile.  A couple of weekends ago I was having drinks with my gi...
Posted by pam on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 04:08:00 PST

Makes me ashamed to be an American

Check out this story I heard on NPR this morning: Interestingly, this story was absent in the American press. Here's a more recent article (again, a ...
Posted by pam on Tue, 23 May 2006 06:49:00 PST

First week as a married woman

Mat and I returned from our honeymoon and are spending our first married week at home.  I have the week off work and in a weird sort of way I'm enjoying being a stay at home wife.  I'm sure ...
Posted by pam on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:43:00 PST

I need some sympathy please

The last day and a half has been utter hell.  I somehow contracted an ear infection and couldn't sleep last night because the pain was excrutiating.  I took heavy doses of Ibuprofen and it d...
Posted by pam on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

An exciting brush with nature in Orlando, Florida

This is my first ever blog.  I've been reluctant to write because I haven't really had anything especially interesting to say.  But after reading the blogs of other My Space users I realized...
Posted by pam on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST