pandaprincess â„¢ profile picture

pandaprincess â„¢

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a nice girl that loves life....
Staying home and watching movies with friends is more fun to me than partying ...Im not really into that
I love to explore...I could drive all night into a sunset to just see what lies ahead
Music is a big deal to me.. it is the best form of expression in my eyes
I love to dance around in my undies in my room listening to music when I clean
Hand holding is the best
Im a sucker for sentimental things ... make me something and I will love it forever
I am just a small town girl who grew up and now loves the city lights
I can be way silly sometimes but thats what makes life fun
simple things like swinging at a park make me smile
Get to know me might actually like it haha
Take me somewhere cool and ill probably love you forever
If your not the average crayon in the box .....I would love to meet you .... to many people are alike ...I want to be around people who aren't afraid to be themselves
R.I.P. MOM March 2nd, 2007
feel free to send me things

My Interests

Spending time with friends and family, a certain boy that is kinda far away, going to coffee, watching movies, being just enjoying life

I'd like to meet:

New people are always fun to get to know
I love the friends I have already though and would do anything for them


angel and airwaves, a change of pace, boys like girls, ladytron, we are terrorists, letter kills, forever the sickest kids, mayday parade, we the kings, sky eats airplane, a step behind, at all cost, blink 182, justice, hellogoodbye, day two, I am ghost, escape the fate, uffie, MIA, imogen heap, klaxons, the unicorns, take the crown, pierce the veil, metro station, cobra starship... pretty much electro or power pop stuff ...


ever after
disney movies
taladega nights
most girl movies
all the pirates of the carribean movies
requim of a dream
donnie darko


i do not really like t.v.


the jungle


my mom

My Blog

the only

Person to ever trust is yourself. People are not good.... as much as you want to believe they are. I will make it through this because I don't NEED anyone ... I didn't need anyone in texas I...
Posted by pandaprincess " on Mon, 19 May 2008 09:47:00 PST


Its crazy how I'm 20 years old and only 4 months away from 21 and all the things I wanted to take place before I turned 21 when I was younger are all thing I am absolutely 100 percent grateful I ...
Posted by pandaprincess " on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:14:00 PST

Its interesting how they say one thing and do another....

How life seems to work. Its like a rollercoaster with only ups and downs. Its like nothing ever seems to go right. I'm sick of being nice doesn't do anything but hurt. I feel like I do...
Posted by pandaprincess " on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:18:00 PST


that is how I feel ... tired, let down, cofused, burnt out.. I just want to understand why it seems like I have a giant sign on me that tells people to treat me badly
Posted by pandaprincess " on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 05:05:00 PST

2007 summed up

January 2007- Started living in the dorms while going to metro state. Things went downhill with my moms cancer, and she was in and out of the hospital all month. I was to focused on sch...
Posted by pandaprincess " on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:30:00 PST


Post your name and I will tell you honestly my opinion of you
Posted by pandaprincess " on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 01:46:00 PST

break my window ill break your face

so last night someone broke into my car and stole everything of mine i feel like ive lost a part of myself.... i just dont understand how people are so heartless
Posted by pandaprincess " on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 08:39:00 PST

hardest thing to do

lately my heart been feeling torn to shreds... i love my best friend and miss actually having her there to talk to and even me being there for her its came down to me excepting that if you love someon...
Posted by pandaprincess " on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:56:00 PST


Well christina emilie and I decided we were planning on going to utah for the day in my new 05 jetta ...well my new car decided to make it 3 miles out of orem, utah which was like 40 miles from salt l...
Posted by pandaprincess " on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 12:54:00 PST

my writing

When the lights fade to an endless black all that's left is a feeling of cold   Darkness engulfs all happy thoughts that the heart seems to pursue   Unwavering feelings start to fade from a...
Posted by pandaprincess " on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:47:00 PST