sexy boy!!!!!!!!
Queen of The South isn;t it Hooot
Queen of The South isn;t it Hooot
50 cent, akon, mary j blige, ..%D%A..%D%A....%D%A....%D%A
Create a Myspace LED Scroller ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
a b o u t m e - l a d i e s o n l y
- b a s i c s -
name:: angela
age:: 30
location:: washington nc
birthdate:: 11-18-76
- p e r s o n a l s -
height:: 5'6
weight:: 165
hair:: black
eyes:: brown
nationality:: african american
- b a d h a b i t s -
smoke?: no
drink?: no
drugs?: no
lie?: no
cheat?: no
steal?: no
swear?: maybe but i dont think you would want to find out
- t h i s or t h a t -
fire or ice?: fire
winter or summer?: winter
rain or snow?: snow
hot chocolate or coffee?: coffee
hot tea or ice tea?: ice tea
coke or pepsi?: coke
ice cream or cake?: both
chocolate or vanilla?: both
strawberry or cherry?: strawberry
watermelon or kiwi?: kiwi
peach or pear?: peach
peanut butter or jelly?: peanut butter
- i n a g u y -
taller or shorter?: dosn't matter because my bf is
body type?: dosen't matter
hair?: neat
eyes?: dosen't matter
tattoos or piercings?: tattoos
his style?: fresh because my bf is
- f a v o r i t e s -
pop?: coke
flavor?: cherry
song?: understanding
movie?: shotaz
color?: black
- z o d i a c -
your sign?: scorpio
do you believe that the zodiac is correct about love matches?: sometimes
- g e n e r a l -
what is the best feeling in the world?: happiness
what is the worst feeling in the world?: sadness
what is your main goal for 2007?: happiness
what do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?: owning my own home and business
what is your lifetime goal?: get rich and be happy
if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: san fernando valley
why would you go there?: somewhere peaceful
who is the one person in your life that inspires you?: my kids and my bf
how do they inspire you?: make you appreciate life
what are 3 positive words your friends would use to describe you?: self motivated, crazy, outgoing
what 3 negative words would your friends use to describe you?: they better not have nothing negative to say
name one person from your past that changed your life.: noone changed my life,i changed my own life because i live my own life
- a d v i c e - f o r - a l l -
Never leave the one you love for the one you like..
Cause the one you like will leave you for the one they love.
Never take life for granted, it's too short..
Stop and smell the roses..
Live for today..
Live for this moment..
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