My soulmate.
Someone who can inspire me.
My Muse ♪ ♫ ♪
Someone understanding, compassionate, open minded and exciting!
Someone who understands that music is my LIFE, not just a hobby or something to pass the time.
Someone to keep my on my toes yet keep me stable.
Someone strong enough to love me and hold me down.
Someone to love as intensely as I do.
Someone with passion, drive, motivation for life.
Nerds, geeks, goofballs, dorks...people who can make me laugh and be absolutely ridiculous with me. I promise you I'm full of surprises.
I want to meet love..
shake her hands, kiss her lips.
Feel her skin, suck her fingertips.
I want to gargle her salt,
feel her flow down my throat,
sing her loud - inhale her smoke.....
Helena Bonham Carter [my.idol.]
"I've always loved the idea of fairy tales, but somehow I never managed to completely connect with them. What interests me is taking those classic images and themes and trying to contemporize them a bit. I believe folk tales and fairy tales have some sort of psychological foundation that makes that possible."
"I've always been more comfortable making my decisions from the subconscious level, or more emotionally, because I find it is more truthful to me, Intellectually, I don't think like that because I get uncomfortable. I'm more wary of my intellectual mind, of becoming delusional if I think of it too much.â€-Tim Burton
“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.â€-Johnny Depp
"They stick you with those names, those labels -- ‘rebel’ or whatever; whatever they like to use. Because they need a label; they need a name. They need something to put the price tag on the back of.â€-Johnny Depp