Profile Generator
We are a tape label
We do runs of 50 tapes, hence the delightfully clever name
We only do 50 because all art work is hand done, and it takes a loooong time to fold/cut/paint/all those fiddly little bits of card. Especially when one of us is inept at stanley-knifing. and yes, that is a verb. We hope to release music that we feel shows a more interesting side to the noise/improv scenes than your usual i-own-a-distortion-pedal-and-a-fringe-so-i-think-im-clever-b
ut-really-im-just-a-cunt nonsense.
Liberez's "5 Songs Recorded at No" is a one sided c-40 cassette in handmade and numbered pop-up cases (pictures to follow soon.) Formerly known as Woe, Liberez's five songs veer from ultra-harsh feeback riff workouts to concrete-esque sound collages. The music is incredible, and the packaging is fancy, what else could you want?
Tapes are £5+£1p&p, please send cheques/postal orders/well concealed cash(paypal to follow soon) to
50 Tapes
110 Meeting House Lane
SE15 2TT.
Upchucking releases:
Deer Deer "Cougar Songs," C40 of improvised electronica and found sounds.
and something by Family Battle Snake, funky fuckin fresh.