♥ jackie ♥ profile picture

♥ jackie ♥

" Live life with no regrets, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.."

About Me

"A simple lady with a simple pleasure".
They call me ♥JACKIE♥, To be frank, I'm a straight person. I'll tell you the truth whether it hurts you or not. I'm a homebody, Adventurous and out-going person. Talk to me and you'll never get bored. There are times that i want to be alone. Listening to music is my therapy. if i say something; I always do it. I'm totally against in ABORTION. I trust easily; That's one thing i wanna change. I don't please people if you don't like, it's fine with me. Mood swings a lot, i mean a loOoOoOoOt! I'm an only child, definitely everybody will tell that I'm a spoiled little brat! But for everybody's information, I'm not, Okay?!
- my braces, shopping,arts and crafts, collect Winnie the pooh and friends stuff,photography, having my hand held, being hugged and appreciated, loves to be loved.
- When someone knows all my vulnerabilities and uses it as their advantage, when people borrow my things without asking any permission, when someone tries to be ignorant, when someone thinks his funny, when someone left behind, when somebody comparing me to others, people who just don't know when to shut up, when someone makes promises that they couldn't keep, when someone tries to be ME , PRETENDERS,CONCEITED people get a life, rather than looking at yourself 24/7, duh!
We are all man but it's very difficult to act like one... never pull me down cause I'll pull u twice or even trice as u did! I'm a fighter don't dare to fight with me.. never step ON my dignity and you'll wish YOU WERE NEVER BORN .
I'm ready to learn, to fail, and stand up with my own feet once again. Failures can't affect me; it's part of growing up. Now I know how to live a life. but necessarily, to all those words I've said, simply " I'm a girl who stumble and fall already, wounded merely bloody right now, but who knows someday all the pain and sufferings I had now are just challenges from God, so I can be a better person. Don't worry guys I'm very friendly. First impressions don't last Okay?? And last I'm a God fearing person.
-- jUsT Be YoUrSeLf, KeEp sMiLiNg aNd EnJoY LiFe!
Life is too short. grudges are waste of perfect happiness. laugh when you can. apologized when you should. and let go of what you can't change. love deeply and forgive quickly. take chances. give everything and have no regrets. life is too short to be unhappy. you have to take the good with bad. smile when your sad. love what you got. and always remember what you had. always forgive but never forget. learn from your mistakes but never regret. people change. things go wrong, but always remember LIFE GOES ON!
Myspace Layouts For Girls!

My Interests

KiKaY sTuFf, i LoVe to CoLLeCt winNiE tHe pOoH aNd FriEnDs StUfF, I pLaY bAdMiNtOn, i LoVe To ReAd BoOks EsPeCiALLy HaRrY PoTtEr aNd PuRpOsE oF tHe DrIvEn LiFe, i'M iNtO ShOpPiNg ( sHoP tiL i DrOp AnD mY FeEt GeT HuRtS...hEhEhE), SwiMmInG, TxTiNg, WaTcHinG t.V., sUrf sA i-nEt, i LoVe To CoLLeCt PiCtUrE aNd CoLLaGE iT oN mY ALbUm sO tAkE PiCtUrEs It LaSt LoNgEr!, i LovE tO deCoRaTe OuR HoUsE, i LoVe ReAdInG pOeMs, LiStEniNg To mUsIc is mY tHeRaPhY. I'm a HoMe BoDy. and recently: sit back and relax with my friends at STARBUCKS coffee, Trinoma.

I'd like to meet:

I'm not snobbish or a mean lady, you can approach me; I'm not a cannibal and will eat you up. I'm looking forward to have new friends. I'm a chubby, Ive got braces, has a long black hair, 5'3" in height.


FRIENDSTER: [email protected] MYSPACE: [email protected] MULTIPLY: [email protected] Hi5: [email protected]

take care! =P


RNB, alternative, lovesong, senti, pop, raggae and "aCoUsTiC" my fave....


HaRrY pOtTeR....SoRcErEr'S StOnE, cHaMbEr Of SeCrEtS, pRiSoNeR oF aZkAbAn, gObLeT oF FiRe, ThE OrDeR Of ThE PhOeNiX, mY sAsSy giRL- - wAnNa diE?!?, WiNdStRuCk, mY CrAzY LoVe, EtErNiTy, cLiCk, BrEaK uP, sOmEwHeRe In TiMe, CiTy Of AnGeLs, fReAkY FrIdAy, tWiTcHeS, PeRfEcT MaN, tHe ChRoNiCleS of tHe sPiderWick, WaNtEd, wEdDiNg SiNgeR, a DaTe WitH tAd HaMiLtOn, ChAsiNg LiBeRtY, MeAnGiRls, pRiNcE aNd Me, tHe NoTeBoOk, MoNsTeR In Law, jErrY mCgUiRe, WiMbLeDoN, SwEeT NoVeMbEr, sErEnDiPitY, nOtHiNg HiLL, HiTcH, iF oNLy, a WaLk To rEmEmBer, HoW tO dEaL, sO cLoSe, tHe WeDdiNg pLaNnEr, mAiD iN mAnHaTtAn, MaTiLdA, a DaTe WeDdiNg, PaSsIon Of ChRiSt, SaVe ThE LaSt DaNce, My BeSt fRiEnD's WeDdiNg, RuN AwAy BrIde, wEDdiNg SiNgEr, sAy ThAt U LovE Me, LoVeStRuCk, jUsT fRiEnDs, DaTe MoViE, a DaTe MoViE, mOmEnTs Of LoVe, aQuAmAriNe, sHaRk TaLe, hiGhsChooL mUsiCaL, Da ViNci CoDe, RaTatOUiLLe, SuRf'S Up, a LoVe StOrY, gAmE pLaN, nO rEsErVaTiOn, DeCeMbEr BoYs, StAr DuSt...


GMA 7 shows, DisNey ChaNnEL, cArToOn NeTwOrK, MtV, EaT BuLaGa, QtV ChAnNeL 11, OpRaH, my MiX, aMeRiCaN IdOL


HaRrY pOtTeR....SoRcErEr'S StOnE, cHaMbEr Of SeCrEtS, pRiSoNeR oF aZkAbAn, gObLeT oF FiRe, OrDer Of ThE pHoEnIx AnD HaLf bLoOd pRiNcE (by: Joanne Kathleen Rowling), tHe PuRpOsE dRiVeN LiFe (by: Rick Warren), CoNvErSatiOnS wiTh GoD (by: Neale Donald walsch, tHe ALchEmiSt (by: Paulo Coelho), aNgELs & DeMoNs, dA ViNci'S CoDe (by: Dan Brown), mEmOiRs Of gEisHa (by: Arthur Golden), a WaLk tO rEmEmBer (by: Nicholas Sparks), A B N K K B S N PLAko?!, Bakit Baliktad Magbasa Ng Libro Ang Mga Pilipino?, Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas, Alamat ng Gubat, Stainless Longganisa, Macarthur (by: Bob Ong ), 500 pEoPLe YoU mEet iN HeLL (by: Jessica Zafra), TRILOGY: a child called "IT", the Lost Boy, A man named Dave (by: Dave Pelzer), a brothers journey (by: Richard B. Pelzer), inspirational books like cHiCkEn SoUp, HuGs and CeLeBrAte

My Blog

some quotes: 10 ways to win the lady... from the movie sassy girl!

1. don't ask her to be feminine. 2. don't let her drink over 3 glasses. she'll bit someone. 3. at the cafe, drink coffee instead of coke or juice. 4.if she hits you, act like it hurts. ...
Posted by ♥ jackie ♥ on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 12:42:00 PST

still in love with ur guy bestfriend?!

its been 4 months since i saw him and talagangnamimiss ko na siya... pero what can i do? itseems that i have loved the wrong person.... butstill the pain keeps on hurting me and kungwalang magbibigay ...
Posted by ♥ jackie ♥ on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:38:00 PST