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I am here for Networking

About Me

sometimes a bit to bitchy,everytime totaly sweet and ever ever ever a bit 2 retared but meaning it on a super positiv way and writes a lot

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personal description: 1. Name: tatjana2. Nicks: tas(cat), tatze, tatzekatze3. Age/date of birth: 18/ 25.02.19904. Sex: female..5. Place of residence/place of birth: Berlin, Germany,..6. Hair colour: normally brown, but sometimes coloured7. Hair cut: long hair8. Color of eyes: brown9. Color of skin/complexion: i would say.. "european style"10. Styling: crazy, extravagant... how i feel..11. Favored Color of clothes: black, brown,coloured.. jeans ^^12. Shoes: Chucks,.. high-heeled boots,..Pumps13. Size: 1,78 m14. weight: nobody asks a girl for her weight!15. Favored Music: sorry, but out there exist so much fucking good music,.. you can..t really decide what your favored music is.. - i think!16. Favored band/ artist: Nirvana17. Favored song: Where Did you sleep last night18. Favored food: Rumpsteak with french fries and kruidenbutter ( something like garlic butter but with more herbs) ^^... really! i love it..19. Favored drink: Ginger Ale and beer20. Favored book: The catcher in the rye21. Favored film in old times: Lost Highway22. Favored film in new times: Crank23. Favored game: GTA24. Favored computergame: FreeCell ^^25. Favored subject: German, English, Art...26. Job of my dreams: journalist27. Marital Status: I..m already spoken for...28. Sexuality (Hetero/Homo/Bi/Trans): Hetro29. Favored animal: dog30. Favored car: Mustang..31. Preferred vehicle: car..32. Favored season: summer33. Favored language: french34. Favored Icecream: Nougat, chocolate, caramel35. Favored colour: blue36. Favored employment: writing..37. Hobbies: writing poems, writing articles, hang out with friends,..38. Favored magazine: Its just in the internet, but..s a magazine! Called Brigitte Young Miss39. Favored homepage: www.myspace.com/tatzekatze40. Ultimate hated object: spiders41. Favored foreign word: Xylometacolinhydroclorid... nose spray!42. Favoured excuse: I didn..t know, that...43. Motto: The world is a dog!44. Favored ballpoint pen colour: blue45. Favored writing utensil: keyboard.. and.. let me think about it... ehm... my hands!?46. Favored munche: a bar of chocolate47. Favored toy in the childhood: cars from Matchbox48. Favored soft toy in the childhood: a big big lion called Löwi49. Favored kind of bed: a big one50. Favored pizza: Salami and Peperoni or Shrimps and garlic51. Favored lie: It was him!52. smoker?: yeah!53. Lieblingsdroge (nur bei Konsum): coffe, cigarettes, alcohol etc.54. Favored survey: which colour has the actinic light from the police and the fire brigade? ( i think in german this is more funny, because a actinic light is called "Blaulicht"( its like: "Bluelight") in german.55. About what would you argue with yourself?: About everything56.lefty or right-hander: right-hander57. Favored letter: S58. Favored number: 559. Favored country: Thailand and Spain60. Favored travelpoint: the world61. Sign of the zodiac: pisces62. Positive characteristics: wild, creative, loud, straight and honest, temperamentally,.. a little bit crazy, but all in all a kind person ^^.. extremely scatterbrained!63. Negative characteristics: ok, sometimes I can..t shut up, can..t be quiet. then it happens that I say things, i never wanted to say. sometimes i do things just out of my feelings..and sometimes i..m really really bitchy. aaaaaand... lazy...64. Favored saying: who can..t understand my silence, can..t understand my words. ( one of mine)65. Favored question in this personal description: this one... it..s superfluous
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I want to know everything about the world i live in.. i..m very curious and interested in all the things around me. Countries, people, different cultures, but,.. if i would write down here, which famous person i wish to meet..that will probably never happen... so, i like my friends and i like it when they..ll become more and more...^^

My Blog

Non mea culpa

Non mea CulpaOriginal zu finden unter:http://www.bym.de/dont_miss/index.html?loc=32&id=1300 von: Tatjana Sochowski So sollst du leben, damit auch ich sorglos sein kann, können beide ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 05:11:00 GMT

bisher veröffentlichte Gedichte

Rette sich, wer kann (Gedicht) - Original zu finden unter:http://www.bym.de/dont_miss/index.html?loc=32&id=888 Aus weiter Ferne (Gedicht) - Original zu finden unter:http://www.bym.de/dont_miss/index.h...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 02:51:00 GMT

für Phil

Zwischen allen Sonnenuntergängen,zwischen allem Chillen und Hängen,zwischen allem Lauten, allem Leisen,zwischen allen Quadern, allen Kreisen,zwischen dem Mond und all den Sternen,zwischen dem Schein d...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:39:00 GMT

eine auffressende Unterhaltung

G: Ich könnte dich auffressen! F: Na dann tu es doch! G: Ich hab gesagt, ich könnte. F: Du kannst doch, wenn du willst. G: Ich will aber nicht. Ich könnte nur. F: Wenn du nicht willst, warum könntest ...
Posted by on Sat, 12 May 2007 06:24:00 GMT


GefangenEine offene Stadt, mit geschlossenen Toren, ich hab´s hier satt, fühl mich verloren. Kann nicht weg, wenn´s mir gefällt, von diesem kleinen Fleck, mitten in der Welt. Es gibt so vi...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 03:54:00 GMT

Tatjana im Internet

Ich bei Schekker: www.schekker.de/schekker_archiv/themen/sonstiges/7132.html wenn ihr mich googelt, findet ihr noch mehr spannende Sachen von mir und über mich!
Posted by on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 02:55:00 GMT

Genie und Wahnsinn

Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 04:28:00 GMT

Ein ganz normaler Tag

Ein normaler Tag Regungslose Müdigkeit  fast tot,niemand in Erklärungsnot,dümpeln tief in unseren Gedanken,nichts zu tun und trotzdem Schranken,mein Gehirn im T...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 03:39:00 GMT

Der Dachdecker

Der DachdeckerMorgens um 5 klingelt sein Wecker, dann steht er auf  der Dachdecker, dann schnell Kaffee  einen Becher, dann geht´s rauf auf die Dächer, seine Arbeit  für ihn ist´s Wonne, er is...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 04:00:00 GMT


DAS ORIGINAL ZU FINDEN UNTER: http://www.bym.de/dont_miss/index.html?loc=32&id=1298 Inspiration Ich denke an dich Nein, tu ich nicht, du hast es nicht verdient, du mit deinen zerissenen Jeans...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 03:57:00 GMT