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personal description: 1. Name: tatjana2. Nicks: tas(cat), tatze, tatzekatze3. Age/date of birth: 18/ 25.02.19904. Sex: female..5. Place of residence/place of birth: Berlin, Germany,..6. Hair colour: normally brown, but sometimes coloured7. Hair cut: long hair8. Color of eyes: brown9. Color of skin/complexion: i would say.. "european style"10. Styling: crazy, extravagant... how i feel..11. Favored Color of clothes: black, brown,coloured.. jeans ^^12. Shoes: Chucks,.. high-heeled boots,..Pumps13. Size: 1,78 m14. weight: nobody asks a girl for her weight!15. Favored Music: sorry, but out there exist so much fucking good music,.. you can..t really decide what your favored music is.. - i think!16. Favored band/ artist: Nirvana17. Favored song: Where Did you sleep last night18. Favored food: Rumpsteak with french fries and kruidenbutter ( something like garlic butter but with more herbs) ^^... really! i love it..19. Favored drink: Ginger Ale and beer20. Favored book: The catcher in the rye21. Favored film in old times: Lost Highway22. Favored film in new times: Crank23. Favored game: GTA24. Favored computergame: FreeCell ^^25. Favored subject: German, English, Art...26. Job of my dreams: journalist27. Marital Status: I..m already spoken for...28. Sexuality (Hetero/Homo/Bi/Trans): Hetro29. Favored animal: dog30. Favored car: Mustang..31. Preferred vehicle: car..32. Favored season: summer33. Favored language: french34. Favored Icecream: Nougat, chocolate, caramel35. Favored colour: blue36. Favored employment: writing..37. Hobbies: writing poems, writing articles, hang out with friends,..38. Favored magazine: Its just in the internet, but..s a magazine! Called Brigitte Young Miss39. Favored homepage: Ultimate hated object: spiders41. Favored foreign word: Xylometacolinhydroclorid... nose spray!42. Favoured excuse: I didn..t know, that...43. Motto: The world is a dog!44. Favored ballpoint pen colour: blue45. Favored writing utensil: keyboard.. and.. let me think about it... ehm... my hands!?46. Favored munche: a bar of chocolate47. Favored toy in the childhood: cars from Matchbox48. Favored soft toy in the childhood: a big big lion called Löwi49. Favored kind of bed: a big one50. Favored pizza: Salami and Peperoni or Shrimps and garlic51. Favored lie: It was him!52. smoker?: yeah!53. Lieblingsdroge (nur bei Konsum): coffe, cigarettes, alcohol etc.54. Favored survey: which colour has the actinic light from the police and the fire brigade? ( i think in german this is more funny, because a actinic light is called "Blaulicht"( its like: "Bluelight") in german.55. About what would you argue with yourself?: About everything56.lefty or right-hander: right-hander57. Favored letter: S58. Favored number: 559. Favored country: Thailand and Spain60. Favored travelpoint: the world61. Sign of the zodiac: pisces62. Positive characteristics: wild, creative, loud, straight and honest, temperamentally,.. a little bit crazy, but all in all a kind person ^^.. extremely scatterbrained!63. Negative characteristics: ok, sometimes I can..t shut up, can..t be quiet. then it happens that I say things, i never wanted to say. sometimes i do things just out of my feelings..and sometimes i..m really really bitchy. aaaaaand... lazy...64. Favored saying: who can..t understand my silence, can..t understand my words. ( one of mine)65. Favored question in this personal description: this one... it..s Blogs - für Phil - tas MySpace Blog
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