Kicking ass.
one late night, in between two cars on market street, and in front of the finest retail store in S.F. was a skinny, cracked out, snaggle toothed, ka ka colored bitch, squating down and taking the fattest shit you have ever seen. after she was done she wrung out her dirty panties, picked through the rats nest on her head, ran her tongue along the front of her corn cob teeth, and stepped out into the road. It was at that moment that she was run down by the muni leaving purple sequins, bright yellow press ons, and multi colored condoms all the way down market. i would like to meet her mother. and maybe even her mother before her.
fat girls finish last. I just wrote this in the shower. the tune goes along to the song marlin sings under the water as a fish in sword and the stone you know.. to an fro, fast and slow. etc. its really perf. share it with your loved ones this holiday season.binge and purge, binge and purge, binge and purge are the key words. yes you're fat yes you're fat but theres a way,to change all that. juuuuust binge and purge binge and purge binge and purge now dont be scuuuured. no you're not pretty no you're not pretty, cause being fat, is really shitty but theres a way to change your life just pick up, your fork and knife NOW BINGE and purge binge and purge go on ahead, now lets go splurge. ice cream cake, and pumpkin pie twinkies, ding-dongs my O my! blend it up choke down the glass now throw it up O ITS A GAS! and binge and purge binge and purge binge are purge ARRREE THEEE KEEEEEY WOOOOOOOOOORDS!
i like to watch will and grace on my plasma screen tv equipped with surround sound and digital high kick ass definition capabilities.