To me, age is just a statistic. Your age doesn't much matter to me as long as you're active and act/behave younger than your 'statistic'. I'm usually guessed much younger than my 'statistic' in looks and personality. I've got my integrity about me..."walk the talk"...I do what I say I'm gonna do! If I say I'll pick you up at 11:00 AM, it won't be 11:01...LOL! Ain’t that anal??!! If you have my heart, you can count on a phone call just to say "HI!†you might find a note or card on your windshield. You might get flowers delivered to you at work.The first date, we might go ridin...we might take the car and go to a nicer restaurant...maybe a movie...maybe shoot pool. It all depends on the mood and what we wanna do. Some guys might plan out a date. I’ll do that, plan it out for us. But I'd rather talk to you and get a feel for what you might like to do but still keep our options open.