Back in late 2006 four young dudes from Germanys "Eifel" felt the need to put their own little twist on a genre known as Hardcore. After many gigs and some bad songs they managed to invent their own unique style referred to as "Pump Action Hardcore" which never ceases to excite new crowds. They surely don't reinvent the wheel but they make it spin really enjoyable. Two and a half years later and after numerous Gigs with Bands like LIGEIA, YOUR DEMISE, DEEZ NUTS, THE BRIDAL PROCESSION, MORE THAN LIFE, SETTLE THE SCORE, BEGGING FOR INCEST, xSINKORSWIMx, CALL ME BETTY, DEAD FLESH FASHION and HIS STATUE FALLS they released their first Demo EP entitled "ARRIVAL" in early 2009. Completely produced and released in the manner of DIY that CD perfectly captures their raw sound and the energy and fun they had writing it. Nevertheless, if you want to fully comprehend what this band is about you'll have to see them live because this is what these songs were made for: Partying with your friends, singing along and dancing like a motherfucker.
BHLF on the road.
Proberaumshow 20.12.
click here to order merch!
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