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More Urksongs

You must sacrifice perspective for true perception

About Me

Indie Psychedelic Comedy Electronic Pop Music If you're interested in an MP3 download my debut album "The Twilight of the Gods" please head on over to iTunes, 18 songs ten bucks. ("Pieces of Sky" is on it, all songs recorded at "The Swamp"). Coproduced by my cat Oblio. He's very helpful! Especially designed for those of you who like concept/art rock/Floydish albums. Thank you! -Eric "Urk" Severtson

What's going on with Urk

Hello Myspace people! Currently I am working with Chris Marx (see his page, he's in my top friends under "Mitch and his fab 5"), and Aaron and Jesse Harmonson. We are practicing once a week or so, have a handful of songs, but no name yet. We'll be sure to create a Myspace page once we know what to call it. We plan to take over Bellingham, or at least play a few shows.
I have also had the honor to play a few guitar tracks for my wife's project "Fey Moth." You deffinately have to check her page out (she's in my top friends, of course). After just a few lessons in the studio she kicked me out and recorded a whole indie-electronica record, in the vein of Bjork or the Knife. Her album will be available soon. Of course I am biased, but it's actually really amazing.
I will have an album available on iTunes fairly soon, it is projected to be available on or before July 20th 2007. "The Twilight of the Gods" is my debut concept studio album (which is also available through the Myspace music store attached to my player on this page). Thank you for your support!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/17/2007
Band Members: Eric Severtson, Urk, Oblio and Marvel.Eric Severtson = Urk
Influences: Urksongs, Plato, Socrates, Marx, Hume, Hegel, Rousseau, Joseph Campbell, Piper Deardorff, Daniel Deardorff, Wagner, Todorov, Stanley Fish, Tolstoy, Homer, Homer Simpson, Van Gogh, Casteneda, Jung, Kant, Foucault, Descartes, Dante, Chretien de Troyes, Chaucer, Christine de Pizan, Coyote, Robert Bly, Robert Graves, Ken Eaglefeather, The Author of Pearl and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Art and Susan Weinneger, the many oral traditionalists of the ages for passing down their wisdom, Rilke, Hafiz, Rumi, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Early Genesis, the Bible, Hesiod, U2, Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Bacon, and bacon, Freud, Rilke, Odin, Isis, Prometheus, Euripides, Sophicles, Athena, The Golden Ass, The Golden Compass, Tolkien, Rowlings, Pullman, my cats, my wife, my friends, my family, the Universe. There are more... Kevin Evans, Piper Deardorff, Axel Bjornsson, Chris Marx, Jamie Lane, Darren Loucas, Phil Hurley, Joe Noone. Adrian Noone, Micah Rowe, Don Dupree and Eric Severtson (Sweet Satan's Underground Lint Band). Eric Severtson, Dale Bjornsson and Michael Sharp (the original Vertical Horizon). Hendrix, Joplin (Janis of course), Scott Riddle, Rachael Winard, Doors, Who, Beck, Dr. Who, James Bond, foods that are high in fat, Crazy Camel, Joyce Blackbird, Hershey's milk chocolate, Heritage Guitar Company, Digitec GNX4, Fender, Marshall, Vox, Gibson, D'Addario, gravity, my senses and a few more that I might just add later. Oh yeah, and The Beatles, Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd, Wagner to Nirvana, Beethoven to Beck - you name it. Love rock, opera, classical, pop, some hip-hop, country waltzes, and then some.

Myth in music! Ovid's Metamorphoses has inspired a new project. :

I'm doing a concept album based on Ovid's masterpiece, "Metamorphoses." I'm not doing straight copies of the words, but rather dealing with themes. I'm going to start picking less known ones, perhaps Midas' fate, you know rather than talking about the whole Midas touch thing everyone already knows about. 'Baucis and Philemon' I've done as an instrumental, they're the one exception in The Metamorphoses of love, they actually grow old together, die at the same time, and become trees entwined. Every other story, just about, starts bad and gets worse for all the characters. There's an interesting story hidden in there as well, Baucis and Philemon (humans) offer the gods (who've gone undercover to see who'll give them hospitality, and only they do) their goose as a meal, and it's about all they have left, but the gods refuse the excessive hospitality and offer them anything they want: Herein lies yet another exception, usually in these stories when a god offers a 'blank check,' it always turns out bad, but not for Baucis and Philemon, no, they're wise and ask to be priests for the gods and to die at the same time as eachother, if possible. As far as geese are concerned, once geese saved Rome. Not a myth, nope, at the crack of dawn once a surprise attack was sneaking on Rome but roused a gaggle of geese, which served to rouse the guards, which saved Rome. Ovid may have 'spared' the sacred protector of Rome in the story for this reason. There you go. I'll post a sneak peek once and a while until it's completed, as well as Metamorphoses behind-the-scenes such as the above story. Then I'll be selling it for one million dollars! I'll only need to sell one or two that way. :

Special thanks to Julie Rieg for the idea!

-Urk of Urksongs

Sounds Like: Have you bought a song from me yet? I'm selling songs off my studio record "The Twilight of the Gods" for a dollar each, everything else for sixty-nine cents. Come on folks, you can have your very own Urksongs MP3 in you MP3 player for less than the price of a can of soda. And you'll be supporting a musician. God knows musicians need support. Not to mention, think of the important and thankless role of musicians in this day and age. Why, you oughta go and buy yourself an Urksong today, you'll be glad you did. Enjoy, and... listen responsibly. My store is right below this sentence :)

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Philosophy and the Poet

I believe we live in Plato's cave. He says that we see representations of the Forms. And, he goes further to say that the poet's (or artist's) work is a representation of a representation. But wher...
Posted by More Urksongs on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 12:36:00 PST