[ Background by www.Soup-Faerie.Com ] JapAnESe FooD, PoInTed ShoEs, TedDyBearS,HuGgin,ChILLin, CoFfeE, PlaY DreSs-Up, BaRBieS ,OyStErs,My AnGeL, diSney pRiNceSsEs, BeaCheS, SuMmeR, FliP-FlOps, TaNkiNis, MusiCal PlaYs, FaiRieS, sleEp-OvErs, HeArts,
[ Background by www.Soup-Faerie.Com ] AudRey HepBurn, RuBen StuDdArd, elVis PrEslEy, Jose RiZal, SeTh GreEn, AnnE FraNk, BrAd PiTt, BaRbiE, MarIE CurIe, JuLia StIleS, LindsAy LohAn, The OlSen TwinS... and of Course... YoU. :)
Chingy - Holidae Inn
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ClUeLeSs, SaVe ThE LaSt DAncE, CitY oF AnGelS,HoME ALonE, LiLO n StItCh, FiNDing NemO,MoNsTeRs InC., CLaSsiCAl MOviEs LiKE wEstSide StoRy,OliVEr,SoUNd Of MuSiC, ScArY MovIeS(BwaHaHa!), ConFeSsions Of A TeeNage DraMA QueeN, The RoCk, 10 ThiNgs I Hate AbOut You,It,
[ Background by www.Soup-Faerie.Com ] F.r.I.E.n.d.S, CsI, AllY McBeal, EveRyBodY LoVEs RayMoNd,ScRuBS,aMeRiCan IdOL[LooOoOvEEe RuBeN StUdDaRd :)] CaRtOonS!! DExTerS LaB, WiLL nd GRaCe, ThaTs So RaVeN, ThaT 70s ShOw, SuRvIvOr, JuSt ShoOt Me, VeRoNiCaS CloSeT, ArE You AfrAid Of The DaRk, TwiGhlIght ZoNE,BeWitCheD,
[ Background by www.Soup-Faerie.Com ] mEmOirs oF a geISHa,dIAry of aNNe frANk,HaRry POTter,aLL-aMeRiCaN GiRL, CouNt Of MoNte CrIsto, UncLe ToMs CAbIn, To KiLL a MoCkinGbIRd,
My mOm Nd DaD, My TruE FrIenDs, My AnGeL, STitCh?!