architecture, art, philosophy, space, traveling, ceramics, photography, cars, snow boarding, rafting, cabrewing, roller blading, ice hockey, college football, rugby, red wine and good food like sushi, steak, bacon, mushrooms, pickles, dark chocolate ...
kid koala, thievery corp., rjd2, prefuse 73, nightmares on wax, chris joss, ratatat, bola, amon tobin, portishead, moloko, mogwai, the dining rooms, the avalanches, del, sage francis, lyrics born, danger mouse, cunninlynguists, tv on the radio, jose gonzalez, incubus, radiohead, the postal service, air, the bravery, atmosphere, illogic, envelope, blueprint, beastie boys, the roots, sigur ros, explogasm?
All the usual comedies and... Stranger than Fiction, American Beauty, the Royal Tenenbaums, the Usual Suspects, Rounders, Bottle Rocket, Empire Records, Lost in Translation, House of Sand and Fog, In the Pit, Radiant City, Helvetica, Offside
30 rock keeps me sane.
Archigram, Eyebeam, Graffiti Research Lab, Banksy