acoustic punk, anarcha-feminism, baseball, booking tours, bikes, collective liberation, change, cooking, cape cod, class, desire, diy, dancing, gender, hope, history, inspiration, independent media, juke boxes, karaoke, literary nonmonogamy, maps, mixtapes, making out, mutual aid, ocean park, passions, personal/political, pizza, parecon, radio, rocking out, self-education, sex positivity, springtime, survival, social capital, work, winnipeg, writing, zines, etc.
"we are dangerous people to be around. the world is fucked-up. it's a dangerous place to adjust to. we are struggling to become whole, living, human beings. we're struggling for a whole-world free society." -su negrin
current playlist: 1905, zegota, harum scarum, thee silver mt. zion memorial orchestra and tra la la band, the minutemen, [old] against me!, parts and labor, jeffery lewis, the mountain goats, explosions in the sky...
pump up the volume
currently: "nowtopia" by chris carlsson, "storming the gates of paradise" by rebecca solnit, "making a killing" by bob torres, "writing down the bones" by natalie goldberg, "how to rule the world" by mark engler, "the magna carta manifesto" by peter linebaugh, "the freedom manifesto" by tom hodgkinson--sort of rotating all of them.
my mom.