mattdineen profile picture


do you remember passion?

About Me

"every act is an act of faith, because you don't know what will happen. you just hope and employ whatever wisdom and experience seems most likely to get you there." -rebecca solnit

My Interests

acoustic punk, anarcha-feminism, baseball, booking tours, bikes, collective liberation, change, cooking, cape cod, class, desire, diy, dancing, gender, hope, history, inspiration, independent media, juke boxes, karaoke, literary nonmonogamy, maps, mixtapes, making out, mutual aid, ocean park, passions, personal/political, pizza, parecon, radio, rocking out, self-education, sex positivity, springtime, survival, social capital, work, winnipeg, writing, zines, etc.

I'd like to meet:

"we are dangerous people to be around. the world is fucked-up. it's a dangerous place to adjust to. we are struggling to become whole, living, human beings. we're struggling for a whole-world free society." -su negrin


current playlist: 1905, zegota, harum scarum, thee silver mt. zion memorial orchestra and tra la la band, the minutemen, [old] against me!, parts and labor, jeffery lewis, the mountain goats, explosions in the sky...


pump up the volume


currently: "nowtopia" by chris carlsson, "storming the gates of paradise" by rebecca solnit, "making a killing" by bob torres, "writing down the bones" by natalie goldberg, "how to rule the world" by mark engler, "the magna carta manifesto" by peter linebaugh, "the freedom manifesto" by tom hodgkinson--sort of rotating all of them.


my mom.

My Blog

my real blog

so...i decided to start writing in my old blog, instead of on this thing. tune in:
Posted by mattdineen on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:42:00 PST

navigating the rustbelt II: cleveland

april 10th, 2007 i had only been to cleveland one other time. when i moved to northampton from madison i got a ride with my roommate ben who was attending a wedding in "clevo" of one of his college bu...
Posted by mattdineen on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 03:22:00 PST

navigating the rustbelt: pittsburgh

the drive from upstate new york to pittsburgh was the longest that we will do on this whole tour. for over 7 hours we drove through april snow flurries toward, and alongside, lake erie until we h...
Posted by mattdineen on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 12:17:00 PST

from ben dangl's blog from our tour...

March 27, 2007 Notes from the Road: Book Tour Heads North Filed under: Blog  Ben @ 5:07 pm We leave one road and step onto another. The buses give way to rumbling cars, the hostels to friends' cou...
Posted by mattdineen on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 02:49:00 PST

and i'm never going back to my old school

oleanders growing outside her door soon they're gonna be in bloom up in annandale... when i was going to bard i couldn't imagine life beyond graduation. for four years, my life experience was co...
Posted by mattdineen on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 05:01:00 PST

staying in the moment in boston

i haven't caught up with this for a couple weeks now. sorry to keep you all hanging on the edge of your seats. :) i want this to be in the present as much as possible. the more time that goes by witho...
Posted by mattdineen on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 12:18:00 PST

disrupting the routine

the power went out while i was at work last night. this really couldn't have happened at a better time. beyond the fact that i got to leave two hours early, i desperately needed a break from the routi...
Posted by mattdineen on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 08:11:00 PST