Created by members of Black Sow Studios: Melissa Van Sandt, Michael Sluder, Steven Torres, Waylon Bigsby, and Patrick Toups.
PIG is for the community, spreading iron awareness and hot metal fun throughout the Southeastern U.S.
So we named our furnace Reagan, not after the president, folks, but after the demon-possessed lil' girly from Exorcist. The name fits. Her lion-headed tuyere caps spin like Satan's spawns, and she growls a bit too.
Reagan ran like a champ at Sloss, except for the stubborn bottom, but we're working on our mix!
She pushed out approx. 1100 lbs in 3 hours and 36 minutes.
We sell scratch blocks to the audience, allowing children and adults to create their own iron sculpture, while watching and learning the process.
Skimming a full pot of continuous tap
Last reaction mold of our innagural pourBrought to you by FLIP, the official beverage of PIG