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God/Bible/Christian survey
Do you consider yourself a Christian (if you are another faith, list it.)?: No doubt
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is your savior?: Since the age of 13
Do you believe the Bible?: I gotta
Do you know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life?: Yes
Do you ever disagree with God or the Bible?: I can't...even if I don't like it.
What do you believe will happen after you die?: Judgement, Sentence Passed, Eternal Destination
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?: Yes
Do you believe in any other gods?:
Can one sin be worse than another?: No
Do you read the Bible? or at least try to?: Daily
Do you believe in the power of prayer?: Yes
Do YOU pray?: I do
Do you ask forgiveness of your sins?: Whenever I can
Is Christ number one in your life, even above your family/bf/gf?: Yes
How do you feel on the subject of evolution?: Why aren't there any monkeys being men today?
Do you believe God created the earth? or the Big Bang theory?: God created the earth
Were you always a Christian (or other faith)?: I had self-faith prior to my rebirth
If not, when did you come to Christ?: June 1991
Did you get baptized?: Yes
If so, do you remember when?: Gosh so many years ago
Do you tell people your testimony?: Testimon (ies)
Do you think God decides your future?: IF we let Him
What do you think about:
racism?: Sin
homosexuality?: Sin
killing (abortion, death penalty, murder)?: Sin
God?: He's Real
Jesus dying on the cross?: Thank you Jesus
worldy possessions?: They're nice but they're not my source
secular music against christian music?: Think about the spirit of the person making the music.
This or that:
God or Satan?: God
Bible or Opinions?: Bible
Heaven or Hell?: Heaven
Speak out or Be quiet?: Whichever God decides at the time
Leader or Follower?: Follower of Christ
Love or Hate?: Love
Forgiveness or Revenge?: Forgiveness
Family/friends or Christ?: Christ
A painful death dying for your God or denying him to save your life?: Death
Man-made rules or the Bible?: The Bible
Money or eternal life?: Eternal life...money is not eternal
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What is the most important thing in your life?: Pleasing the Lord
If someone brought you to Christ, who was it in relation to you?: A Pastor
Are you thankful for what you have?: Not as I should be
If you could change the world with one thing, what would it be?: The word of God
Do you believe in war?: Not carnal war
Do you love your enemies?: As far as I know
Are you afraid of what people think of you?: Nah
Do you try to set an example of Christ?: Yes
Do you help others in need?: As I can
Do you only help people if you can benefit from it?: Nah
Do you think the human race is somewhat selfish?: Too selfish
If you have any Christian friends, do you look up to them?: Yes
Have you ever went to a Christian concert/festival?: Yes
Did you ever save anyone and bring them to Christ?: Yes
If so, who in relation to you?: Family
How do you feel about luke-warm Christians? (people inbetween christianity): Misunderstands the word of God
Do you believe God has a purpose for you?: Yes
Do you believe in miracles?: Yes
If so, do you know of any that you'd like to share?: I woke up this morning
Do you try to help those who are unsaved?: Yes
Is being a Christian hard work?: As hard as I choose to make it
Do you try your best to follow Jesus' example?: I could always do better
What is your best characteristics?: The multi-talented gifts God gave me
What is your worst characteristics?: The flesh
If you could, would you change something physically or mentally about you?: Yeah
If so, what and why?: My degree of discipline
Do you try to be different from the worldy aspects that people expect?: I was born different.
Do you find yourself as a unique individual?: Look at the previous answer.
If you had to go against the world in order to follow God, would you?: I'm already against the world by choosing God
What is the hardest thing about being a Christian to your opinion?: Disipline
Have you learned a lot as a Christian?: Yes
Do you love everybody unconditionally and forigve them?: As far as I know
What do you think a Christian is supposed to be?: Yes
How do you see most Christians?: 95% call themselves Christians 5% are called by God to be Christians
Do you think you are saved?: I know it
Lastly, what is your idea of Christianity?: The only religion that requires love.
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Gospel...and instrumentals... They say in the bible David was used by God as a musician to cast demons out through his music. Well if it's possible to cast demons out through music, why won't it work the opposite way? Marinate on that for a minute.
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