Suprise, Suprise |
know. it's just unusual for me to be writing anything. it's been so long but i don't have much more to say than what i already said over at my 360 page. you all know it's my first love... Posted by on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 17:01:00 GMT |
Things Are Still Well |
is still good. we're rolling so smoothly with everything that time passes and, all in a good way, i don't realize that my desire for the internet and my connection with all my friend... Posted by on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 19:59:00 GMT |
Ech |
been busy and frazzled these last few weeks. i don't know which way is up or down some days. things are going well regardless. i haven't blogged or even been online to do so much as... Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 08:51:00 GMT |
From A Friend |
your life like mine? do you understand the context of the breath you exspunge from your body? or do you just float looking for instant gratification? here's something real between him... Posted by on Tue, 15 May 2007 14:01:00 GMT |
Ohhhhh Yeahhhh |
to mention. last night brandon and i went and got some more holes put in us. i got my right nipple done and he got his right eyebrow done. after we got back here to the hous... Posted by on Thu, 10 May 2007 16:53:00 GMT |
Things Are Well |
about you??
brandon hung out with us yesterday. he came by sometime early afternoon and we chatted until it was time to pick up rinni. we walked the promenade, our usual... Posted by on Thu, 10 May 2007 16:49:00 GMT |
Dating Again |
looks like it will be well. that part of it, i mean. i had my first date with brandon last night and didn't get home 'til almost 3. don't think perverted (i know you's guys too well) ... Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 20:19:00 GMT |
I Know |
haven't been around much but i've been hopping between the banks and the cops regarding this fraud thing. it's crappy and cruel that i'm being put through this. the saying is, "keep your friends... Posted by on Wed, 02 May 2007 20:48:00 GMT |
I'm Not Name-Calling |
someone that i know....... that a friend or two that i know is attached to is a big scary liar. he is a lie and a threat to anyone that is good to him. he finds ways to manipulate an... Posted by on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 21:33:00 GMT |
Fucking Yoga |
just finished my yoga thing and my muscles are jumpy and burning. i don't know why i do it. each time i begin the video i think of how impossible it is for me to have the body that tho... Posted by on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 19:48:00 GMT |