Monica and the Explosion! Well what would you expect to see if you saw the name? A band? Monica and the Explosion were first to play on Thursday night. Monica introduced herself as a Swedish punk band?? 2/3rds correct. She is Swedish and her lyrics and playing had a punk edge but I think maybe a few more people need to be included before she can claim to be in a band! I have no idea why, but I thought she was really good. Maybe it was because she just hammered the acoustic guitar she was playing and sang about things that pissed her off and things she knew about!! No deep, meaningful, dark, what the fuck was that all about lyrics, just in your face, this is how I feel about it, ones!! I've no idea where she fits in to todays music scene. She probably doesn't but what ever, she probably doesn't care as long as she's doing what she wants to do and she obviously is!!Music blog by Starch,
Hark 2 Towler gig Thursday, March 26, 2009Friday Night
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