meeh??? im interested in YOOH!!!! lol nah.... i mean i am but... ohhhh forget it!!!!!!lol...... i like to sing and dance.... back in the day i was a prima ballerina ..... and im learning the guitar and i've learned the piano!! but agen i remind u.... i may know how to do all that stuff but am i good at them...... think agen!!! hahhaa.......(btw dont ask muh friends either!!! they are cumpulsive liars and will tell u that i can do all those things!!! ahahha)
i'd like to meet someone fun.. that wont break my heart, that can maybe mend it... and that just loves me for me...i want my penguin...
Hey babe Check it out!
Which branch of the Military are you?
created with
You scored as Marines
Semper Fi. You are a true Marine. You are the nation's most devastating fighting force, barring Special Forces. But your place was not easy to get. You endured the harshest basic training of any Armed Force to get where you are, and your reward is the respect and admiration of everyone else (except maybe the Air Force, who may view you as just a dumb grunt. Perhaps it's true, but you just want to fight).
Coast Guard
Air Force
im an r&b gal mostly.... no actually im the gurl who know a lot of slowjams!!!! trust me i kno!! and if i dont kno the name ill sing it to u... i have no doubt in muh mind that u will know what im singing because everyone does!! and then they all laugh at me because its an old song and i should know the name of the singer and the name of the song!!! but well im sorry!! lol hahha thats just me... i listen to music and not judge it! haha
are very good to watch!
can u guys tell that im really bored at this moment so im filling out this shiet!!!! hahhaa but well in relation to telivision.... i like to watch anything interesting to me at the time.... hee hee... ill always stop to watch an episode of FRIENDS though..... and i love the cooking channel!!!! that guy that ses "BAM" all the time is kool.... me and joe like to watch disney when we're sick!! lol its fun.....
im a reader yesh i am gimme a book and ill be a fan!! hahahhaha stupid rhym.... hahhaha so i like to read whats wrong withthat.... though muh friend robbie will tell u that im a read-aholic........ which i am not.... there havent been any books that i am into really... lol but i do tend to finsh a 300+ pg book in less than a day and then start on yet another!!!.... yet me reading a text book takes hours!!! what is up with that!!! hmmmm
heros???muh parents with their endless support for me to do well and to do what i want in life!!!! yup yup those are muh heros!!!! ohh and i almost forgot .... batman is muh hero!!!! not superman!!! batman is all real doode i mean come on now superman needs super powers but batman... nope!! its all man!! hahahaha!!!