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Damn Little Mama You Thick As Hell.

About Me

I'm Allison. I am not a "myspace whore", nor am I a "pig nosed person with hairy knuckles"...I don't like labels, especially ones that are dumb...if I should be known as a label it would be "totally awesome girl." 'Cause that's what I am. Music is not my life, but it is a big part of it. I have never nor will ever be able to narrow it down to one favorite song. All of them are my faves. People should pay me to hang out with them. That would be a sweet job. I'm not really sure what I want to do with my life yet. There are so many things I want to be: An Architect, A Doctor, A Lawyer, A Singer, An Actress, A Writer, A Photographer, A Designer, A Real Estate Agent, too many things. I like to dream, and not only when I'm asleep if you know what I mean. I love pajama's. They are the neatest thing since sliced bread. I also like Candles, especially ones that smell good. I always enjoy a good book, ones that make me think really hard. To me, there is nothing better than laughing. It is the best medicine there is. Almost anyone can make me laugh, so if you can't than you must really be lame. I was totally in love with "Jus Rhyme" from the VH1 show "White Rapper Show", he was so funny. I don't really like TV that much, but I can never get enough of Dawson's Creek. I totally bought all six seasons, and watched them consecutively. I do like to watch movies, especially ones with Edward Norton or Kevin Spacey. The are the best double dang actors in the world. My absolute favorite movie is Labyrinth. David Bowie slays me when he sings "Magic Dance" in those spandex pants. I have an amazing life. My hubby is the cutest under the sun, and my little baby Jackson is more than I could ever ask for. I have a beautiful Shelby Kitty, a looney Johnny Rabbit, and a big ole fat fish named fish. I have the best friends in the world, literally, they are all in different places. Lindsay, Kori, Maria, Jeremy, and Dan. I only have friends that are good looking, I know that sounds really bad, but I can't help it they all flock to me like birds, and hey Im not complaining, it's a much better view. I want a turtle like crazy bad. I think they look so cool. I go to pet stores just to look at them. I am addicted to fuzzy socks, I only one one pair that is normal. I do people's makeup for a living. It's fun painting people's faces. I love dry humor, and people who are oblivious to things. I love my Raul, he is everything to me, my polar opposite though, we literally only have one thing in common, we both like Blast from the past. He makes me happy, and there is no one else for me. Lindsay and Kori are the most amazing people I will ever meet in my life, and they will always be my best friends forever. I love the color green, but I don't like to wear it. In case you didn't notice I am really random, and I love that I am. Anyway, the truth is I am a much cooler person than you are, I know this because you took so much time to sit and read this "about me" section of my page that is entirely way too long. Get your myspace layouts at

My Interests

{my hubby} [my baby jackson] {my shelby kitty} [my johnny rabbit] {broccoli and cheese} [music] {doing makeup} [Edward Norton] {Labyrinth} [Monopoly] {Starbucks} [horses]

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All the positions have been filled. Trust me, they're better than you are. I'd know.


*10 Years* 30 Seconds to Mars* 311* Absence of Grace* The Absentee* The Academy Is...* Adema* AFI* The Afters* Against Me* Agony Scene* The Agrestix* Alkaline Trio* Amber Pacific* Angels and Airwaves* As Cities Burn* The Ataris* Atreyu* Aqua* Backstreet Boys* Bad Religion* Bag of Toys* Bayside* Blink 182* Brand New* The Bravery* Breaking Benjamin* Bright Eyes* Cake* Change of Pace* Chiodos* Chronic Disorder* The Clash* Come back Kid* Coolio* Corben Dallas* Counting Crows* Crossfade* The Cure* Cute is What We Aim For* Dashboard Confessionals* A Day After Suicide* Dead Fish* Death Cab for Cutie* Def Leppard* Deftones* DiseaseXcore* Divide By Zero* The Divorce* Drop Dead Gorgeous* Drop Kick Murphey's* Elite Stranger* Elton John* Emery* Empty Grey Space* Ever Stays Red* Every Move a Picture* Falling Up* The Fall Of Troy* Fall Out Boy* Finch* Firescape* Flogging Molly* Forever Dies Tonight* Fort Minor* Franz Ferdinand* The Fray* From Autum to Ashes* From First to Last* Glasseater* Go Betty Go* Gym Class Heroes* Hawthorne Heights* Hello Goodbye* Hollywood Undead* Hot Action Cop* Hot Hot Heat* Houston Calls* Jay-z* The Jonbenet* Jimmy Eat World* The Juliana Theory* The Junior Varsity* Just Surrender* Kane Hodder* The Killers* Killswitch Engage* Last Exit* Left Line* Leftover* The Legion of Doom* Less Delicate Than the Locust* Less Than Jake* Linkin Park* Losers Luck* Lost Prophets* Love Drug* A Love like Pi* Main Verve* Maitain Composure* Matchbook Romance* Mercenaries* Metallica* Midtown* Mindless Self Indulgence* The Misfits* Modest Mouse* Morning Call* Morning Scene* Motel Heart* Motion City Soundtrack* Much the Same* Muse* My Chemical Romance* MXPX* Neverhood* The Newsboys* Norma Jean* Offspring* Panic! At the Disco* Pink Floyd* Plain White T's* Plane to Sea* The Postal Service* Professional Losers* The Ramones* The Rasmus* Red Hot Chili Peppers* Red Light Green Light* Reel Big Fish* Reggie and The Full Effect* Relient K* Rilo Kiley* Rise Against!* The Rocket Summer* Rookie of the Year* Rufio* Ryder Strong* Saosin* Saves the Day* The Scene Aesthetic* School Yard Heroes* Secondhand Seronade* Seether* Senses Fail* The Sex Pistols* Sigma* Silverstien* Sleepwell* Smile Empty Soul* Snow Patrol* Something Corporate* Some by Sea* Sonar* Spitalfield* Starting Line* Story of the Year* Straight A Students* Straylight Run* Sublime* Sugarcult* Sum 41* Switchfoot* Taking Back Sunday* Tatu* Tegan and Sara* Ten Second Epic* This Day and Age* This Providence* A Thorn for Every Heart* Three Days Grace* Thrice* Thursday* Tiger Lou* Tool* Trophey Wives* Underoath* Union city Blue* Unwanted Superheroes* Upper Class Trash* The Used* Vanilla Ice* The Veronica's* Vertical Horizon* Waiting for Yesterday* Weezer* Wham* Why Not?* The Wreckers* Yelloward* You in Series*


^Labyrinth^Boondock Saints^Fight Club^


*Family Guy*The Simpsons*Aqua Teen Hunger Force*


*The Stranger Beside Me*The Assitants*
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The person who made shoes come in WIDE size.

My Blog

one year and counting.

The best part about falling in love with your best friend is just that...he's your best friend. The worst part would be when he does something to devastate you in all ways possible, because then who c...
Posted by allison on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:21:00 PST

Lindsay Nichole.

This blog is LONG overdue. I probably should have written it months ago, but I didn't so here I go. I'm sure in everyone's life they go through a stage of regret. I've been through that more than a fe...
Posted by allison on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 12:33:00 PST

sometimes it's never enough...

I'd love to get on here and say that I have "no regrets"....well I do. People look at me now and see an adult, but when I happen to glance into a mirror I still see a child, who wants nothing more tha...
Posted by allison on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 02:07:00 PST