Mercedes Mendive profile picture

Mercedes Mendive

About Me

Hello everyone. First I want to wish you all a very Hapy New Year for 2008. After the new year I will be adding some new features to my page. It will soon be in three languages (English, Spanish and Basque). I will also be uploading some new music which was done acoustically. I look forward to your input! _______________________________________________________Hola Amigos! Antes que nada os quiero desear a todos un feliz ano nuevo 2008 . Despues de las fiestas voy a cambiar mi pagina y pondre cosas nuevas tambien en tres lenguas ,(ingles ,espanol y euskera) estoy contenta de escuchar vuestros comentarios! __________________________________________________________Ka ixo Guztioi! Lehenengo gabon zoriontsu bat opa dizuet guztioi eta urte berria hobeto hasi dezazuela . Jaiak pasa ta gero gauza berri batzuk ipintzeko asmoa daukat neure horrian eta hiru hizkuntzatan (ingelesez ,erdaraz eta euskaraz) baita musika akustiko berri batzuk ere. pozik entzungo ditut zuen iritziak.

My Interests


Member Since: 16/03/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: For the making of this CD back in August 2003, I was incredibly fortunate to have had the following musicians:Gawain Matthews Acoustic Guitar & Mandolin;Dan Feiszli Upright Bass & Electric Bass;Paul Van Wageningen Percussion / Drums;Sean Aucutt Tambourine
Influences:My strongest influences are primarily Basque. I've always had that particular sound playing in my ear long before I picked up an accordion. Definitely I would say that Joseba Tapia, Bernardo Yanci, Kepa Junkera, Oskori & Luhartz have made huge impacts on where I have ventured musically. They continue to inspire some of my ideas behind the type of music I like to write. I also really like Ken Zazpi's style as well as Itoiz.
Sounds Like: Myself - I hope!
Record Label: MMM Music

My Blog

Meaning Behind The Music.....

One of the questions that I'm asked the most about my album is "where did the ideas and inspiration for this music come from?"  Simple&..          &...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 20:46:00 GMT