sUKa sGT sHOpPiNG...tRaVeL...TgOK MoViee..MmMMmm laYAn Ps2....fUTsaL..BowLIng...cAMpiNg....JoGgIng...NiKe..GuEss..s AlVaToR fErRAgAmO...GuCci
MuSiC FRoM BaNDs LiKe..., EVaNeSCeNCe, MuSe,MaRooN 5,aVRiL LaViGNe, SHaKiRa,DiDo,No DouBT, THaLia, PiNK, TaTu.UshEr,p.diDDy,Ja-RuLE,3Door DoWN,RnB,hIp-HoP,ANuaR zAIn..Matchbox20,Jewel,Hilary Duff,Metallica,Queen,Macy Gray,Alicia Keys,Robbie William,The Corrs,SO7,OAG,Sister Hazel,Air Supply,Carpenters,Beatles,ABBA, Sudirman, 90's Mariah Carey, Outkast, Lindsay Lohan, Vanessa Carlton, Counting Crows,..too many to mention? Alternative rock, 70's rock, current pop, 60s&70's oldies, indo, Japanese pop!!, this and that..I am the type that can't really define music genres. Yeah, I find them confusing. BUT I love listening to almost all kind of music, that's for sure.
Who doesn't love movies?? I try to catch as many as I can. Favourites? I can't even begin to list down but here are some I can think offhand : A Beautiful Mind, Sliding Doors, Butterfly Effect, Lord Of The Rings, Kill Bill vol1&2, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lindsay Lohan movies(I like her haha!), Meet The Parents, Silence of The Lamb, FIght Club, From Hell..Anyway, I love horror/ghost movies, comedies with Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy etc2..Actions movies with Harrison Ford (like Star Wars, Air Force1, Indiana Jones etc)..lots of other actions movies also!Chick flicks like Bridget Jones and My Best Friend's Wedding. Teenage feel good movies like Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan etc2..Deep thoughts movies..I don't even mind watching war movies!Ok, basically you get the picture, I LOVE WATCHING MOVIES. Currently I'm into old movies. There's just something so enigmatic about them. Starting a collection actually. :)MaLeNa..FiNaL DesTiNaTioN...SCHooL oF RoCK...AMeRiCaN Pie..LOTr(1,2,3)..uNDeRWoRLD....hONey..tErMInaL..bAD bOY 1,2....U Got SerVeD...Da boUNCE IdeNTIty..mEet dA FoCkErS....dUpLeX..sHRk tALe.da big mum house..
CSI:anywhere in the world..Charmed, used to be a sucker for reality TV but currently find them boring, Whose Line Is It, The Simpsons, Lizzie Mcguire, I don't like Smallville (I find it insulting to the original history of Superman),Sex and The City(but they're no more), Carnivale (can't wait for new season to arrive), The 4400, Taken, Star Trek: The New Generation&Voyager, some anime, Discovery:Travel&Living, StarWorld sitcoms on Monday night, As Told By Ginger, Jewel In The Palace(newfound love!), does old soap operas like Dallas and Dynasty count?, Oprah (new episodes with big Hollywood Stars ones), Japanese soap operas that's for sure!, ermm..what else..SuRViVor...SMaLLViLLe...SimPle LiFe...ScRuBBs...BiRDs oF PReY....DaRK ANGeL...ThE O.C...FeAr FAcTOr...MTV...ChANNel V..PuNK'd... FrIenDS...NaTioNaL GeoGRaPHY...MuTv...eSpN.. BoiLiNg PoInT...tHe cAsInO..
^MasKUlin ^gaLaxie ^UToPia ^SpORt ^dECOratIOn ^fAsHIon ^kLUE ^ikEa ^dAvId BeCKHaM (bIoGrApHy n MySiDe)