lycanthrope profile picture


About Me

Well what about me,... I'm an art and music lover, i work in a factory as a machine operator, I‘m a singer in 1 band, well the first band is on a big sort of break :P is an open genre, main focus is metal/rock i studied design and layout, digital text and image editing. For some of my works you can also check It has been a wile since it was updated because i am very busy the last months with school and works.

My Blog


even kort en simpel,mensen die zin hebben om iets mee uit de grond te stampen, ik zoek nog een gitarist, ikzelf zal de zang verzorgen..mix van black/rock/electronics/..iets in het genre van reaktor, d...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 05:26:00 GMT