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Arctic Monkeys, The Bravery, Razorlight, The Libertines, Kings of Leon, The Pixies, At the Drive-in, The Mars Volta, The Eels, Daniel Johnston (GREAT SONGWRITER), The Shins, Greg Dulli (Afghan Whigs, Twilight Singers). Greg is my favorite songwriter. Met him at a party in Venice once, nice man!
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Cormac McCarthy is god. Just read Blood Meridian and tell me thats not true. I dare you. hehe. No Country for Old Men is gonna take the Coen Bros. back to their Blood Simple days. Looking forward to it. Im a reader, I love many writers. Cormac is my favorite.
My mother Kristie. She is fighting colon and liver cancer like a champ. She never complains about a thing. Ever!! Thats very heroic for a person like myself that complains about a lot very trivial things.