Developed by Super Computer International, PlayLinc is a next-generation online game browsing and messaging platform that gives gamers more control over their multiplayer gaming interactions, a richer set of social networking tools and a wider variety of gaming experiences.Among the features gamers can take advantage of on the PlayLincâ„¢ Service will be support for a variety of gaming platforms, messaging tools including AIM..ICQ and fully multiplexed VOIP, dynamic server launching, server browsing, buddy tracking, player invitations, Team Management, on-game controls, and more.About Super Computer International
Super Computer International, Inc ("SCI") is a well established provider of gaming client applications, on-game display technologies, backend infrastructure and support for high speed online multiplayer video gaming. SCI has contracts to provide gaming technologies to the majority of the top developers and publishers of multiplayer video games and is considered the next leader in all-in-one multi-platform end-user technology. For more information, please visit