i love music that keeps me gr0ovin' till da last dr0p of..i can make u floss when u see me grindin' n da cLub. im really fond of dances, gigs and whenever there's an invitati0n, id never refuse an offer. i like chillin' out wit my fwenz anD cLubbin'.. im pRetty much of talkative gal who taLks fasT aNd acT c0oL as well..im so funny ayt thaT's juzz ME! i like to entertain every individual i meet even if i d0nt kn0w him/her tHaT mucH th0ugH..some tHinK im cRazy weLL, im juzz insaneLy nice, man! i meanT no ruDe i guess u juzz got to kNow me to geT my sEnse of huMoR! i like to wear seXy-daring clothes to be m0re alluring.i liKe iT when guys feeLin' me iTs so fLattering..i juz luv boys, boys, aLL types of b0ys who'll teaSe me in a sweeT way n0t a fugazzi way!
im aLso inTo sWimmin' eVeRy leisuRe time i goT..tHe exciTemenT anD fuN's aLL theRe. i liKe iN tHe beacH, iT is a c0mfy aNd besT pLace to unwiNd.. i loVe iT. so TaKe me to tHe beAcH Mr. RIGHT!!!hehe
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individual...who's so so g0ofy kewL to be wit, paRty FREAK liKe me who drinkx wiT me tiLL the lasT dRop of.. who'll danCe wiT me when the daRk beats and leT the joyRise in eveRything we do!!!oR aS lonG as y0u'Re n oT bein' so ruDe and sTanky and i'LL be d0pe!=)
pRogRessiVe tecHno-tRancE, RnB, h0use music, cLub, cHiLL ouT, hiP-h0p, acc0usTics, oLd scHooL sLow jaMs, uNdeRgRound, jazz n' cLassicx....... juzz no b0yband, man!INCUBUS, gReenday, aRkaRna, no d0uBt, pauLa coLe, NIRVaNa, 3rd-eYe bLind, LIVE, veRticaL h0Rizon, coLdpLaY, tHe caLLing, r0B tH0mas, f0o fiGhteRs, meTaLLicagaRbaGe, madona, TEXAS, the cRanbeRRies, aLanis m0RiseTTe, 2PAC, EMINEM, 50 cenT, dR. dRe, sno0p dog, to0 pHaT, J-L.O, ja RuLe, kyLie Min0gUe, cHrisTina aGuiLeRa...
u goT seRved, hoNey, saVe the laSt danCe, cr0ucHing tigeR, gLadiaTor, we were soLdieRs, coLd m0unTain, catCh mE iF y0u caN, the beAcH, bLue cRusH, how to lose a gUy in teN daYs, mEeT j0e bLacK, cRazY beauTifuL, 50 1sT daTes, faSt anD the fuRi0us I&II, gLadiaToR, wHaTTa gurL wanTs, cRueL inTenti0n, 13th gHosT, resiDenT eViL, etc. (to0 many to mention)
Glittery texts by bigoo.ws
Glittery texts by bigoo.ws
Scroll images by bigoo.ws