About Me
"Paul is the most talented, heartfelt musician I've known — he's just what weneed in today's music market!" - Amy K.
Paul's voice is unbelievable, it's pure, clear, beautiful and extrememlyexpressive with a three octave range. He can sing any venue at the world classlevel. He's the best. - Chazz K.
"People of all types, all ages and tastes in music love Paul's voice. His musicspeaks to people's souls. Paul has a way of winning over audiences, whether inlive performance or via the radio. Sign him, offer his gift to the world andnever look back ... you won't regret it!" - Justin K.
"Paul is awesome!! His voice is second to none! Sign him right away!" - Matt B."Paul's music is amazing!!" - Amanda C.
"We support Paul and his beautiful music 100%" - Brooke G.
"I absolutely love Paul's music and his love for it!! No one deserves a chanceto follow his dream more than Paul!!" - Stanton S.
"Thank you for your wonderful music" - Albert and Shirley M.
"To Anyone wondering about Paul, I have met this man and he is truley talented.In addition to his talent, he has a heart for what he loves and the brains toapply his abilities. He is genuine and kind in all respects of life. There arefew like him on this earth." - Jeff R.
"Paul has an amazing voice and even more, an amazing heart!" - Connie C.
"I have listened to Paul's music and find his voice refreshing and mesmerizing."- Terry C.
"Paul is a great singer." - Bill L.
"A real treasure. Thanks for all the great music. Keep it coming." - JLK
"He's got a great voice that should be heard." - James B.
"Paul is a marvelous musician with an incredible range, virtuosity, and variety.On top of which he is hot." - Maureen P.
"He has a great voice." - Monica T.
"Paul's music is absolutely awesome." - Lupe W.
"Paul truly is a wonderful singer." - Janice K.
"Paul's music is wonderful!" - Lea J.
"Paul's music is fantastic!" - Robin C.
"Paul's muisc is awesome!" - Jason J.
"His range of music, his voice range, his quality of singing...Paul is truly anoutstanding young musician." - Gary L.
"Love your music. A rare talent." - Marlane L.
"Paul is one of the most talented musicians I've ever heard. I have completeconfidence that he can be a huge success in the music industry." - Kathryn B.
"Paul has a beautiful voice and we have enjoyed him in concert." - Margy L.
"Amazing voice and writing talent." - Julie M.
"I believe Paul's music is outstanding." - Ozzie A.
"Paul has an abundance of talent, soul and dedication. A truly rare combinationwhich makes him a singular performer and artist." - James I.
"Love Paul's Music" - Linda K.
"Great artist." - Sam H.
"Paul has the voice of an angel." - Rose B.
"Paul is fabulous. He has the charisma and talent to sway any audience anywhere,anytime!" - Marsha M.
"Love his work!!!" - Valerie C.
"I purchased Paul's first CD and have thoroughly enjoyed the great sounds!" -Peggy S.
"It spoke to me the first time I heard "Meant to Be." And the more I listened toit the more I enjoyed it. Great music - great voice!" - Hanna L.
"Paul ROCKS!" - Jim S.
"Awesome music that anyone and everyone can enjoy." - Blaise B.
"I am great fan of Paul's. He is an amazingly talented singer." - Vivian S.
"This is a musician who is as nice and genuine as he is talented." - Robert M.
"I love his music!" - Doug E.
"Paul, a talented and gifted musician...his talent only superseded by his workethic." - Richard K.
"Great voice! We need him in the recording industry!" - Catie S.
"Paul's talent is remarkable." - Sally B.
"Paul is FANTASTIC!!" - Ted T.
"Paul is an amazing singer." Krissy G.
"His music is wonderful!!" - Kathy L.
"Paul's voice has an honest energy that makes you feel good about life. He is atop pick for all age groups in our family." - Doug B.
"His music and voie reflect his inner vital force." - Cindy and Tom C.
"Paul's voice is incredible. It is beautiful, soothing, gentle, and he hassomething like a 4 octave range! I have performed in 23 operas with the LosAngeles Opera and can tell you he has a melifluous quality and rare huge range.His music (his compositions as well as his voice) is uplifting." - David S.
"Paul has an inspirational voice, and he definitely can make the world a betterplace through his magical voice." - Laura L.
"Paul is awesome!" - Britta B.
"I have heard Paul sing often and believe he has a wonderful talent." - Bruce R.
"Paul has a wonderful voice, wonderful spirit." - Kathleen C.
"He is amazing!!!" - Delphine L.
"The richness of tone in Paul's voice is spectacular and the energy of his musicnoteworthy. I would expect him to continue to improve even further and to becomethe well known artist that he deserves to be. Paul is a great person. He isgenuine and trustworthy and, in my judgment, can only bring honor and success tothose that support him." - Francois V.
"It has been a unique pleasure to have known Paul and to follow his musicaldevelopment. I'm an unabashed fan..." - Doug B.
"I highly recommend Paul." - Lucy S.
"What a voice!!" - Jennifer S.
"Paul has a WONDERFUL voice...refreshing and inspiring in his delivery of asong." - Patricia E.
"I love Paul's music!" - Alice K.
"Paul Kawabori is a fresh voice in vocals...I especially appreciate his handlingof love ballads...Paul deserves a wider audience. The world is always ready tohear songs sung well. Paul can do this." Dick B.
"Paul has a great voice!" - Ellen P.
"What talent! And the smile!" - Lilo L.
"Paul is an extraordinary vocalist and person! I can't wait to listen to hismagical singing in concert with his rapidly growing fanbase." - Partice T.
"An amazing young man with an amazing voice." - Jim H.
"Extremely talented and passionate!!" - Jennifer P.
"Love the voice." - Lisandra T.
"Paul Kawabori rocks!" - Madeline P.
"Very talented! He deserves as brillian of a career." - Linda B.
"Awesome...good music, good purpose." - Paul O.
"Wonderful music." - Ronald L.
"Paul's music is inspiring." - Hanna L
"A superb, engaging voice. Able to bridge the audience gap easily with uniquesong compositions of his own." - Sharma S.
"Paul's voice should be heard by more people. He has true talent." - Scott K.
"Bravo for Paul! Magnificent voice and songs!" - Natalie C.
"Paul has a beautiful voice and beautiful expression in his music." - Sheri M.
"Terrific musician well worth supporting!" - Todd R.
"His voice and song are wonderful and bring inspiration." - Adji W.