Paul Kawabori profile picture

Paul Kawabori

About Me


"Paul is the most talented, heartfelt musician I've known — he's just what weneed in today's music market!" - Amy K.

Paul's voice is unbelievable, it's pure, clear, beautiful and extrememlyexpressive with a three octave range. He can sing any venue at the world classlevel. He's the best. - Chazz K.

"People of all types, all ages and tastes in music love Paul's voice. His musicspeaks to people's souls. Paul has a way of winning over audiences, whether inlive performance or via the radio. Sign him, offer his gift to the world andnever look back ... you won't regret it!" - Justin K.

"Paul is awesome!! His voice is second to none! Sign him right away!" - Matt B."Paul's music is amazing!!" - Amanda C.

"We support Paul and his beautiful music 100%" - Brooke G.

"I absolutely love Paul's music and his love for it!! No one deserves a chanceto follow his dream more than Paul!!" - Stanton S.

"Thank you for your wonderful music" - Albert and Shirley M.

"To Anyone wondering about Paul, I have met this man and he is truley talented.In addition to his talent, he has a heart for what he loves and the brains toapply his abilities. He is genuine and kind in all respects of life. There arefew like him on this earth." - Jeff R.

"Paul has an amazing voice and even more, an amazing heart!" - Connie C.

"I have listened to Paul's music and find his voice refreshing and mesmerizing."- Terry C.

"Paul is a great singer." - Bill L.

"A real treasure. Thanks for all the great music. Keep it coming." - JLK

"He's got a great voice that should be heard." - James B.

"Paul is a marvelous musician with an incredible range, virtuosity, and variety.On top of which he is hot." - Maureen P.

"He has a great voice." - Monica T.

"Paul's music is absolutely awesome." - Lupe W.

"Paul truly is a wonderful singer." - Janice K.

"Paul's music is wonderful!" - Lea J.

"Paul's music is fantastic!" - Robin C.

"Paul's muisc is awesome!" - Jason J.

"His range of music, his voice range, his quality of singing...Paul is truly anoutstanding young musician." - Gary L.

"Love your music. A rare talent." - Marlane L.

"Paul is one of the most talented musicians I've ever heard. I have completeconfidence that he can be a huge success in the music industry." - Kathryn B.

"Paul has a beautiful voice and we have enjoyed him in concert." - Margy L.

"Amazing voice and writing talent." - Julie M.

"I believe Paul's music is outstanding." - Ozzie A.

"Paul has an abundance of talent, soul and dedication. A truly rare combinationwhich makes him a singular performer and artist." - James I.

"Love Paul's Music" - Linda K.

"Great artist." - Sam H.

"Paul has the voice of an angel." - Rose B.

"Paul is fabulous. He has the charisma and talent to sway any audience anywhere,anytime!" - Marsha M.

"Love his work!!!" - Valerie C.

"I purchased Paul's first CD and have thoroughly enjoyed the great sounds!" -Peggy S.

"It spoke to me the first time I heard "Meant to Be." And the more I listened toit the more I enjoyed it. Great music - great voice!" - Hanna L.

"Paul ROCKS!" - Jim S.

"Awesome music that anyone and everyone can enjoy." - Blaise B.

"I am great fan of Paul's. He is an amazingly talented singer." - Vivian S.

"This is a musician who is as nice and genuine as he is talented." - Robert M.

"I love his music!" - Doug E.

"Paul, a talented and gifted musician...his talent only superseded by his workethic." - Richard K.

"Great voice! We need him in the recording industry!" - Catie S.

"Paul's talent is remarkable." - Sally B.

"Paul is FANTASTIC!!" - Ted T.

"Paul is an amazing singer." Krissy G.

"His music is wonderful!!" - Kathy L.

"Paul's voice has an honest energy that makes you feel good about life. He is atop pick for all age groups in our family." - Doug B.

"His music and voie reflect his inner vital force." - Cindy and Tom C.

"Paul's voice is incredible. It is beautiful, soothing, gentle, and he hassomething like a 4 octave range! I have performed in 23 operas with the LosAngeles Opera and can tell you he has a melifluous quality and rare huge range.His music (his compositions as well as his voice) is uplifting." - David S.

"Paul has an inspirational voice, and he definitely can make the world a betterplace through his magical voice." - Laura L.

"Paul is awesome!" - Britta B.

"I have heard Paul sing often and believe he has a wonderful talent." - Bruce R.

"Paul has a wonderful voice, wonderful spirit." - Kathleen C.

"He is amazing!!!" - Delphine L.

"The richness of tone in Paul's voice is spectacular and the energy of his musicnoteworthy. I would expect him to continue to improve even further and to becomethe well known artist that he deserves to be. Paul is a great person. He isgenuine and trustworthy and, in my judgment, can only bring honor and success tothose that support him." - Francois V.

"It has been a unique pleasure to have known Paul and to follow his musicaldevelopment. I'm an unabashed fan..." - Doug B.

"I highly recommend Paul." - Lucy S.

"What a voice!!" - Jennifer S.

"Paul has a WONDERFUL voice...refreshing and inspiring in his delivery of asong." - Patricia E.

"I love Paul's music!" - Alice K.

"Paul Kawabori is a fresh voice in vocals...I especially appreciate his handlingof love ballads...Paul deserves a wider audience. The world is always ready tohear songs sung well. Paul can do this." Dick B.

"Paul has a great voice!" - Ellen P.

"What talent! And the smile!" - Lilo L.

"Paul is an extraordinary vocalist and person! I can't wait to listen to hismagical singing in concert with his rapidly growing fanbase." - Partice T.

"An amazing young man with an amazing voice." - Jim H.

"Extremely talented and passionate!!" - Jennifer P.

"Love the voice." - Lisandra T.

"Paul Kawabori rocks!" - Madeline P.

"Very talented! He deserves as brillian of a career." - Linda B.

"Awesome...good music, good purpose." - Paul O.

"Wonderful music." - Ronald L.

"Paul's music is inspiring." - Hanna L

"A superb, engaging voice. Able to bridge the audience gap easily with uniquesong compositions of his own." - Sharma S.

"Paul's voice should be heard by more people. He has true talent." - Scott K.

"Bravo for Paul! Magnificent voice and songs!" - Natalie C.

"Paul has a beautiful voice and beautiful expression in his music." - Sheri M.

"Terrific musician well worth supporting!" - Todd R.

"His voice and song are wonderful and bring inspiration." - Adji W.

My Interests


Member Since: 15/03/2007
Band Website:
Sounds Like: I've spent my whole life developing 'a sound' and what it always comes back to is beauty. As a child, I remember singing by myself in a sanctuary and enjoying the sound as it bounced, cascaded, and enveloped me.

I've always been especially touched by pure and true voices that soar above us and inspire us to be better than we are or to see the world with new eyes and to hear each other with new ears. That's what I strive to do, regardless of genre or style. Connection is key.

Also, music is communicative and if it has words the listener should be able to understand them if the goal is to effectively convey ideas, emotion and meaning. Telling stories through song is something that is a part of every human being and ingrained deep within every single culture on earth. The oral and aural tradition is part of the human experience.

In an age where we distance ourselves from each other with technological buffers, a beautifully sung song can still speak directly to our hearts.
Record Label: Unsigned

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