I love a good heated debate about religion or politics to boil my blood. I also loves movies, art, photography, cars and computers. If it has wheels I will drive that shit like I stole it and more likely then not...get caught and escape with a slap on the wrist.
The Wicked Witch of the West
God I'll listen to anything as long as it makes my foot tap, my soul sing, my ass shake, or my heart thump a little faster. But I love finding obscure small indie groups and dammit...the british just do music better.Bristol You
Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, Snatch, A Clockwork Orange, Sucker Free City, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Trainspotting, Frank Miller's 300, Sin City, Hot Fuzz, Downfall and Princess Bride.
Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, Mythbusters, 24, Red Dwarf, Top Gear, Colbert Report, Dirty Jobs, Dexter, Heroes, Spongebob, 30 Rock, House.
I love Chuck Palahaniuk, Amy Hempel, and other minimalist writers. Pablo Neruda, Mary Roach, Christopher Moore, and more. I love to read, I get paid to sit around and do nothing, so why not read?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Mac Dre and the blue guy from TRON.But on a more serious note, my mother.