Joy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

No regrets. I love people. I'm driven by the stories the emotions and the love of those I've been fortunate to come in contact. Life happens... not interested in hearing all the things that didn't work. Let's figure out what does! My peace of mind, joy about living and love, not because of who you are but because of the way God has allowed me to see you, is what I value most.It's easy for me to enjoy people, but it's also easy for me to be sober-minded and let things go. I like being around growth. Definately a realist, artistic (not an artist), adaptable to whatever... I have my preferences, but as long as its positive I can play. I'm enjoying the ride. Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I like life, being connected to family and friends, work, quite time, cooking, running, outdoors, detail, new experiences, excitement.

I'd like to meet:

People with whom I would have something in common. People who are serious about what they are doing in life, but playful in living life. People who understand who they are and who are happy in who they are becoming.


I love music!!!!! New music, old music, classical, jazz, latino music, and gospel music, and so many not named. I like some of all of it.


Godfather, Scarface, 10 Commandments, any Denzel Washington movie, Terrance Howard movies, Sean Penn movies, Oceans 12 and others, Silence of the Lambs, A Beautiful Mind, oh 300, loved it. Action, Drama, Imitation of Life, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner the old one and the funny one. Old Cosby flicks, Billy D.. Mahogany, Lady Sings the Blues!!! I like comedy, not that corny Dumb and Dumber type comedy tho.


Not really big on TV. Cosby Show, I watched Wildin Out a few times, I used to like Soap back in the day.


Don't do a lot of recreational reading... I prefer non-fiction. I read magazines.


God's my all time hero. I admire Maya Angelou, Steve Harvey, Richard Branson, Will Moss, the late Ed Bradely, and Michael Dell, Gates efficiency. Lots of people who may cross my path for just a minute... and for whatever reason have that "Wow" impact that drives me.

My Blog


I like to make people feel good. I enjoy seeing people happy. The reality of my day... the reality of our times... is that there's not always a happy answer. There's not always right words to say... e...
Posted by Joy on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 12:25:00 PST

I loveeeee my peopleeeeeE - fam/friends!

Life is about family and friends and doing things worth while! Family and friends make success sweeter.... failure more bearable... and life interesting, exciting and awsome to be a part of.  Rea...
Posted by Joy on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:10:00 PST

Spitzer resignation today?

Looks like Lt. Governor David Patterson will be the first Black Governor of New York. I have mixed feelings... ok, so Spitzer has pissed some people off. Was he really cleaning up corruptio...
Posted by Joy on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:27:00 PST

Men - Simply complicated! (borrowed term)

Fly. Delightful. Interesting. Insightful. It can not be denied that men are wonderful to have around. No ranting. No raving. No late night girlfriend eating binges cryin' over some dudes. No gossip. N...
Posted by Joy on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 07:25:00 PST

Running again! Im excited.

I had changed to a brisk walk for a while... I've been training for a 5k and just got done running it. Not first place ;-(  But getting back into the swing of things. I'm lovin' it! Can't let lif...
Posted by Joy on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 08:34:00 PST

Weird perspective on the Dallas game

It was stunning and disappointing when the Cowboys DIDN'T pull off a last minute win last night against the Giants. I just knew there would be a clear shot at t...
Posted by Joy on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 07:48:00 PST

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years’

I trust that you are having a Merry Christmas and looking ahead to a great new Year. I hope all of your projects and plans will be successful. I hope that your relationships will be rich. I hope that ...
Posted by Joy on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 08:36:00 PST

Happiness is hard work!

So I was listening to the Steve Harvy Morning Show this morning and Mary J. was the featured guest. She is the one who said, "Happiness is hard work." I take for granted that people already know that....
Posted by Joy on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 08:04:00 PST

Not feelin’ it today! Now what?

I am not motivated today. Not feeling like creating, building or even being in the mix. Ever feel overwhelmed? Maybe not even overwhelmed, just not excited. Ever have to go through the motions at a st...
Posted by Joy on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 08:49:00 PST

Let the Dust Settle...

If I was in Kuwait City right this second in the middle of a dust storm, I would not be cleaning house! Likewise its not smart to change direction, make major decisions, end relationships business or ...
Posted by Joy on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:14:00 PST