Reading, drawing, painting, dreaming, dancing, eating, talking, blah blah blah....yada yada yada....and making people laugh. :)
So my two best friends moved down south for college and Im accepting applications. LOL Just kiddin, I'm willing to meet anyone with an open heart, open mind, nice, interesting. I like adding friends to my site so what the hell are you waiting for?!Talk to me--. Superboi510.. width="425" height="350" mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="" enableJavaScript="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"
R&B, Rap, Pop....holla
X2, Big mama's House, Kill Bill, Romey & Michelles High school Reunion, The Sweetest Thing, Charlie's Angels, The fighting Temptations, Kill bill 2, resident evil 2, Under the tuscan sun,Gold Member, Blade 1,2,3, WHITE CHICKS, deliver us from eva, cat woman.
DOn't watch much TV but if i do, its usually like a sitcom or something.
Night, The life beyond the Gates, Butterfly skin, XY, Maxim, Cosmo ( the bible) Gene pool, Marvel comics, Ma vie en Rose, The Anthem, Huck Finn.
The only person I emotionally look up to is my mother. She has given me so much and she is my perfect example of strength, knowledge, Morals, and Love.